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三国志で英語のお勉強31: 劉表(劉景升)







劉表(Liu Biao,劉景升,Liu Jingsheng,142年-208年)

In c.166 to 167, when Liu Biao was 17 (by East Asian reckoning), he became a student of Wang Chang (grandfather of Wang Can). At the time, Wang Chang was Administrator of Nanyang.




Liu Biao gained control of Jing Province in 190 CE, when Dong Zhuo appointed him to the position after the death of its previous governor (or inspector), Wang Rui. Liu Biao later started a war against the warlord Yuan Shu and his minor vassal, Sun Jian. During the Battle of Xiangyang, Sun Jian was put in command of an army on Yuan Shu's orders to assault Liu Biao in Jing Province. Liu Biao appointed Huang Zu to command the forces against Sun Jian. Huang Zu was outmaneuvered by Sun Jian, but the latter was hit by an arrow and killed, effectively ending the battle in favour of Liu Biao's forces.

劉表は190年に荊州を支配しました。前任の太守(または刺史)王叡の死後,董卓が彼をその地位に任命したためです。後に劉表は群雄の袁術とその配下孫堅との戦いを始めました。襄陽の戦いの間,孫堅袁術の命で荊州劉表を攻撃する軍を任されました。劉表孫堅を迎え撃つ軍の指揮を黄祖に任せました。黄祖孫堅に策略で劣って(be outmaneuvered)いましたが,孫堅は矢に当たって戦死し,結局劉表軍に有利に戦いは終わりました。


・襄陽は荊州の南郡にあった県です。ウィキペディア「襄陽の戦い」には以下の叙述があります。“南郡には東西に横切る形で漢水(長江の支流)が流れ,漢水を挟んで北に樊城,南に襄陽城が建っている。樊城・襄陽城は中国の中心に位置し,戦略上の非常に重要な拠点となっていた” 例えば1268~1273年には元と南宋の間で襄陽・樊城の戦いが起こっています。



↓元 対 南宋


・maneuver は「巧みに操る,策略を巡らす」。outmaneuver... は「……に策略で勝る」です。


Years after, Sun Jian's two eldest sons, Sun Ce and Sun Quan, caused Liu Biao no end of trouble as they sought to avenge their father's death. However, they did not cause Liu Biao's demise as they targeted Huang Zu, who was a general under Liu Biao, instead of Liu Biao himself. While Cao Cao (in the north) was gaining strength, Liu Biao chose to neither help nor hinder his conquests, in part because he had been dealt a defeat against the forces of Sun Ce at the Battle of Shaxian (沙羡, in modern Wuhan, Hubei).


・demise は「終焉,逝去」。「デミス」ではなく「ディマイズ(/dɪmz/)」です。

・defeat には「勝利」「敗北」両方の意味があり,defeat against... となっている場合は「敗北」です。なぜ「勝利」「敗北」両方の意味があるのかについては以下の記事をご覧下さい。


・deal A B「A に B を与える」という語法があります。A was dealt B で「A は B を与えられた」→he had been dealt a defeat「彼は敗北を与えられた」です。



Around 200 CE, after Cao Cao's total victory over his archrival warlord Yuan Shao at the Battle of Guandu, Liu Biao still remained neutral, despite being one of the only other warlords in a position to oppose the two powers. However, Liu Biao eventually decided to shelter Liu Bei, an enemy of Cao Cao and relative in deep lineage when Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao, where Liu Bei was previously sheltered after the events of 198 (Battle of Xiapi). This made Liu Biao a target of Cao Cao's wrath as Liu Bei rebelled against Cao Cao just before the war against Yuan Shao. After Cao Cao finalised his unification of northern China in 208, he led a large army south to conquer Jing Province. With a decline in relations between Liu Biao and Liu Bei as a result of the meddling of Cai Mao's family, Liu Biao's people faced much difficulty. To make matters worse, Sun Quan's army had defeated and killed Huang Zu at the Battle of Jiangxia and ultimately destroyed Liu Biao's defences to the east.


lineage は「家系,血統」という意味ですが,発音は「リネージュ」ではなく「ニイヂ /lɪniɪdʒ/」です。

・wrath は「憤怒」です。ちょっと難しいですが形容詞は wroth です。

・meddle は「余計な世話を焼く,ちょっかいを出す,干渉する」です。劉表には劉琦,劉琮という異母兄弟がいましたが,蔡瑁の姪が劉琮の妻となったため蔡瑁は劉琮派となり,劉琦と,劉琦派の劉備を遠ざけました。劉琦が劉備の軍師・諸葛亮と共に高い所に登り,梯子を外させて降りられなくさせ,「どうすれば良いか」教えを乞うたのは有名な逸話ですが,これは『演義』オリジナルではなく正史『三国志』にもあるようです。


Shortly after Cao Cao's main army began its offensive, Liu Biao died of illness... Liu Biao's successor, his younger son Liu Cong, chose to surrender instead of resisting Cao Cao's invasion. Liu Biao's elder son, Liu Qi, who had had some disagreement with Liu Cong, joined the fleeing Liu Bei, leading to the Battle of Red Cliffs. The aftermath of that battle split Liu Biao's former domain between the three resulting power blocs. Jing Province continued to be a flash point throughout the remaining years of the Han dynasty and well into the Three Kingdoms period, due to its strategic position between all three warring factions, with multiple battles and campaigns being fought for control of the province.

曹操の主軍が攻勢を始めて間もなく,劉表は病死しました。劉表の後継者で次男の劉琮は曹操の侵攻に抗するのではなく降伏を選びました。劉表の長男劉琦は劉琮と意見が一致せず,退却する劉備に加わり,これが赤壁の戦いに繋がりました。赤壁の戦いの余波(aftermath)により,かつての劉表の領域は,結果として生じた3ブロック(曹・孫・劉)に分かれました。荊州の地は3つの争う勢力の戦略的要地であったため漢王朝の最後まで,更には三国時代の最後まで発火点(flash point)であり続け,同州の支配を巡って数多くの戦い・出征が行われました。



