Wikipedia の三国志関連の記事を読んで英語・英単語の勉強をしていきます。郭嘉・中に引き続き第30回は郭嘉・下です。
Cao Cao scored a decisive victory over Yuan Shao at the Battle of Guandu in 200. Yuan Shao died two years after his defeat and his sons Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang started fighting each other for control over their father's vast domain. Cao Cao defeated Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang at the Battle of Liyang in 202–203 and won several consecutive battles. At the time, many of Cao Cao's generals urged Cao to take advantage of his successes to continue attacking the Yuans, but Guo Jia said, "Yuan Shao loved both sons so he couldn't decide between them who would succeed him. With advisers like Guo Tu and Pang Ji to assist the Yuans, internal conflict will definitely break out between them. If we press on our attacks, the Yuans will unite to resist us. If we withdraw our forces, the Yuans will start fighting among themselves. Why don't we turn south and attack Liu Biao in Jing Province first? We should wait until the Yuan brothers start fighting each other and then attack them. We'll achieve victory in this way." Cao Cao agreed and prepared for a campaign against Liu Biao.
・decide「決心・決定する」の d を s に変え,decisive「決定的な,決断力ある」です。
Internal conflict did break out between Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang later, which resulted in Yuan Tan being defeated by his younger brother. Yuan Tan retreated to Pingyuan and sent Xin Pi to meet Cao Cao, agreeing to surrender to Cao and requesting for assistance in dealing with Yuan Shang. Cao Cao led his forces north and defeated Yuan Shang at the Battle of Ye in 204. In 205, Cao Cao attacked Yuan Tan on some pretence and defeated him at the Battle of Nanpi. By then, Cao Cao had pacified most of Ji Province in northern China. In recognition of his contributions, the Han imperial court enfeoffed Guo Jia as the Marquis of Weiyang Village (洧陽亭侯).
When Cao Cao was preparing for another campaign against Yuan Shang (who had fled to join his second brother Yuan Xi and the Wuhuan tribes), many of his followers were worried that Liu Biao might send Liu Bei (who had become a vassal under Liu Biao) to attack Cao Cao's base, the imperial capital Xu.
However, Guo Jia said to Cao Cao, "Your military might may be very well known now, but the Wuhuan will definitely not set up defences because they are deluded by a false sense of security since they are far away from you. As such, if you seize this opportunity to launch a surprise attack on them, you can eliminate them. Besides, Yuan Shao treated the ethnic minorities well and the Yuan brothers are still alive. Now, the people of northern China submit to you because they fear your military might, and you've yet to pacify them through benevolent governance. If you abandon the campaign and head south instead, the Wuhuan and Yuan Shao's former followers might rally the support of the people in northern China, who are likely to respond to their call. When that happens, the attention of Tadun (a Wuhuan chieftain) will be aroused and he may think of attacking you, and by then we would have lost Qing and Ji provinces. Liu Biao is a person who does nothing but sit and talk. He also does not trust Liu Bei as the latter is more capable than him... Even if you empty your territories to campaign far away, you have no worries." Cao Cao proceeded with his campaign against the Yuan brothers and the Wuhuan.
しかし郭嘉が曹操に言いました。「殿の軍事力は今や轟いていますが,烏桓族はきっと防御を固めないでしょう。遠方にいるので,安全だと誤解しているのです。そういうことで,機会を捉えて奇襲すれば彼らを滅ぼせます。そのうえ袁紹は異民族を厚遇し,袁兄弟はまだ生きています。今は華北の人民は殿の軍事力を恐れて殿に服従しており,殿はまだ善政で彼らを平定していません。もし軍事行動を止めて南進すれば,烏桓や袁紹のかつての部下は華北の人民の支持を集め(rally),彼らはその呼びかけに応じるでしょう。そうなれば蹋頓(烏桓の族長)は奮起して殿を攻撃することを考え,その頃までに青州と冀州を失っているかもしれません。劉表は座って議論ばかりしている(do nothing but)ような人物です。彼はまた劉備を,自分より有能なので信頼していません。領土を空にして遠方に出撃しても,心配はありません」 曹操は袁兄弟と烏桓に対する作戦を続けました。
・might と may が連続していますが,この might は may の過去形ではなく「力」という意味の名詞ですね。なおこの「力」という意味が助動詞 may/might の「……してよい」の意味を生んでいます。
・have yet to-V は「まだ V していない」です。
・rally には「集まる・集める」という意味があり,そこから名詞で「集会・大会」という意味があります。自動車レースの「ラリー」も「集まって競走する」という意味でしょうかね。
When Cao Cao's forces arrived at Yi (易), Guo Jia said, "A swift army is powerful. Now, as we've travelled a long distance, we have much heavy baggage so we cannot launch a swift attack. If the enemy learns of our approach, they will definitely prepare defences. Why don't we leave the heavy baggage behind and send our light forces to take a shortcut and launch a surprise attack?" Cao Cao led his army through a secret passage at Lulong Pass (盧龍塞) and headed directly towards the Wuhuan chieftains' headquarters. The Wuhuan were shocked when they heard of Cao Cao's approach and they hastily assembled their army, but were defeated by Cao Cao at the Battle of White Wolf Mountain. Tadun was killed in battle. The Yuan brothers fled to Liaodong to join the warlord Gongsun Kang, who captured and executed them and then sent their heads to Cao Cao.
曹操軍が易に達すると,郭嘉は言いました。「素早い軍は強力です。今私達は長距離を移動してきたので,荷物は重く素早い攻撃ができません。私達の接近を敵が知れば,敵はきっと防御を固めるでしょう。重い荷物は置いておき,軽い兵を派遣して近道を進ませ,奇襲を掛けませんか」 曹操は盧龍塞の隠し道に軍を進ませ,烏桓の族長の本営に直接向かいました。烏桓は曹操軍の接近を知ると衝撃を受け,急いで軍を集めましたが,白狼山の戦いで曹操に敗れ,蹋頓は戦いで戦死しました。袁兄弟は遼東に逃亡して群雄の公孫康に合流しましたが,公孫康は彼らを捕えて殺し,彼らの首を曹操に届けました。
・leave behind は「置いていく,置き去りにする」です。
Guo Jia was known for his deep foresight, which allowed him to accurately predict the outcomes of events. Cao Cao once remarked, "Only Fengxiao knows what's on my mind."
Chen Qun once made many complaints about Guo Jia, saying how Guo was very unbridled in his ways. Guo Jia, however, remained calm in the face of these accusations. Cao Cao still regarded Guo Jia highly but was also pleased that Chen Qun stood by his own principles.
郭嘉は出来事の結末を正確に予測する先見の明で知られ(be known for)ました。かつて曹操は「私が考えていることが分かるのは奉孝だけだ」と言いました。
・unbridled の元になっている bridle は「馬勒・頭絡」です。
Guo Jia fell ill after departing from Liucheng (柳城; in present-day Chaoyang County, Liaoning) following Cao Cao's victory at the Battle of White Wolf Mountain in 207. He was 38 years old (by East Asian age reckoning) at that time and he died not long later. Cao Cao was very grieved by Guo Jia's death. He told Xun You, "All of you are around the same age as me; only Fengxiao was the youngest. I planned to entrust him with responsibilities before my death, but it's destined that he would die at such a young age."
郭嘉は207年に曹操が白狼山の戦いで勝利したのに続いて柳城(現在の遼寧省朝陽市朝陽県)を発った後,病気になりました。そのとき彼は数え年38歳で,間もなく亡くなりました。曹操は郭嘉の死を大いに悲しみました。彼は荀攸に,「君達は大体私と同じ年だ。奉孝だけが年下だった。私は死ぬ前に彼に責任ある仕事を任せる(entrust A with B)つもりだったが,彼がこんな若さで死ぬのは運命なのだ」と語りました。
・entrust 人 with 事 で「人に事を委ねる」です。〈A with B〉より〈人 with 事〉〈人 with 物〉のように覚えた方がいいでしょう。
Cao Cao then wrote a memorial to Emperor Xian: "Army Libationer Guo Jia had served in the military for 11 years. There would be a discussion whenever we faced difficult situations, and when I could not decide on what to do, he was the one who helped me arrive at my decisions. He has made great contributions in the pacification of the Empire. It is unfortunate that he died early and did not manage to complete his task. We should not forget his contributions. I suggest that his family be granted an additional 800 taxable households under their control, making it a total of 1,000 households." The Wei Shu recorded a longer memorial written by Cao Cao to Emperor Xian, requesting for Guo Jia to be honoured. Guo Jia was granted the posthumous title "Marquis Zhen" (貞侯), which literally means "chaste marquis".
それから曹操は献帝に対し追悼文を書きました。「軍師祭酒郭嘉は軍に11年勤めました。困難な状況があるときはいつも議論があり,どうすべきか分からない時,郭嘉は私が結論に達するのを助けました。彼は帝国の平定に多大なる貢献をしました。彼が若くして死に,その任務を全うしなかったことは不運なことです。彼の貢献を忘れてはなりません。彼の遺族には税を徴収できる八百戸を追贈し,合計千戸にすることを提案します」 魏書には曹操が献帝に書いた,更に長い追悼文が記録されており,これは郭嘉が栄誉を授けられることを請願しています。郭嘉は貞侯の諡号を与えられました。文字通りには「貞節な侯爵」という意味です。
・It is fortunate [unfortunate] that... は「……なのは幸いな[残念な]ことだ」です。×It is fortunate [unfortunate] to-V とは言いません。
・request for... という熟語に見えますがそうではなく,request to-V「V することを求める」の to-V の意味上の主語(=誰が V するのか)を for で示したものです。例えば
in order to-V「V するために」
→in order for O to-V「O が V するために」
In 209, when Cao Cao was returning to Xu after his defeat at the Battle of Red Cliffs, he passed by Baqiu (巴丘), where a plague broke out in his army. He ordered the boats to be burnt, and sighed, "If Guo Fengxiao was around, I wouldn't have ended up like this." Cao Cao mourned Guo Jia again. He also wrote to Xun Yu twice to lament Guo Jia's death.