Wikipedia の三国志関連の記事を読んで英語・英単語の勉強をしていきます。高幹に引き続き第28回は郭嘉です。
郭嘉(Guo Jia,郭奉孝,Guo Fengxiao,170年-207年)
Guo Jia was from Yangzhai County (陽翟縣), Yingchuan Commandery (潁川郡), which is in present-day Yuzhou, Henan. As a youth, he was famous for his intelligence and foresight. Since reaching adulthood at around the age of 19, Guo Jia had been travelling around the country and befriending members of the scholar-gentry and other talented persons. He did not associate himself with the hoi polloi and was thus not very well known outside of his circles. However, all those who knew him recognised his talent and felt that he was extraordinary. When he was 26, he served in the Han government as a minor official in the office of the Minister over the Masses (司徒).
郭嘉は潁川郡陽翟県(現在の河南省禹州市)の出身でした。若い頃,彼は知性と先見の明で有名(be famous for)でした。19歳頃に成人して以来,郭嘉は国中を旅行し,学問のある郷紳(gentry)やその他の能力のある人物と親交を深めました。彼は民草と交わらなかったので自分の交友範囲の外ではあまり知られていませんでした。しかし彼と付き合いのあった人はみな彼の能力を認め,彼は尋常ならざる人物だと感じました。彼が26歳の時,彼は司徒の役所の中の小役人として漢政府に仕えました。
Guo Jia once travelled to Hebei to meet Yuan Shao... He later told Yuan Shao's advisers Xin Ping and Guo Tu, "An intelligent adviser should be prudent when he chooses which lord he wishes to serve so that his lord will heed every piece of advice he gives. The adviser can then establish his reputation. Lord Yuan wishes to mimic the Duke of Zhou by recruiting men of talent to serve under him but he does not know how to tap into their abilities. He focuses too much on unnecessary details and neglects the main points; he likes to listen to many ideas but is indecisive. It is difficult for him to save the Empire from its troubles and achieve hegemony over the various warlords!" Guo Jia then left Yuan Shao.
郭嘉はかつて袁紹に会いに河北に行きました。後に彼は袁紹の軍師辛評と郭図にこう語りました。「頭の良い軍師はどの君主に仕えたいか選ぶ時に,自分の助言を一つ一つ聞いてくれる君主を選ぶよう,慎重に(prudent)なるべきだ。それで軍師は自分の名声を確立できる。袁閣下は有能な人物を集めることで周公の真似をしたいのだろうが,彼らの能力を活かす(tap into)術を持たない。彼は不必要な細かい点に焦点を合わせすぎ,大きな点を蔑ろにする。彼は多くの意見を聞きたがるが,決断力が無い(indecisive)。彼が帝国を困難から救い,様々な君主達に対して覇権を握るのは難しい」と。そして郭嘉は袁紹の下を去りました。
・decide の二つ目の d を s に変えて decisive は「決断力のある」。これに打消の in- を付けて indecisive は「決断力のない,優柔不断な」です。「袁紹は優柔不断だ」と郭嘉は見抜いたわけですね。
Around the time, Cao Cao had a brilliant adviser, Xi Zhicai (戲志才), whom he appreciated greatly, but Xi died early. Cao Cao told another adviser Xun Yu, "Ever since Xi Zhicai died, I've been lacking someone whom I can form strategies with... Who can replace Xi Zhicai?" Xun Yu recommended Guo Jia to Cao Cao. Cao Cao and Guo Jia had a discussion on the affairs of their time, after which the former remarked: "This must be the man who will help me achieve greatness." Guo Jia also happily said, "He's truly the lord I wish to serve." Guo Jia was then appointed as a Libationer (祭酒) in the army of Cao Cao, who then held the position of Minister over the Masses (司空) in the Han imperial court.
・Xun Yu は荀彧であり荀攸(Xun You)ではありません。
・remark は「発言する,ことば」です。
・郭嘉の役職としてウィキペディア日本語版には「軍師祭酒」,英語版では「司空祭酒」,中国語版では「司空府軍師祭酒」とあります。Libationer の libation は正に「酒」という意味です。「祭酒」は文字面は「宴会担当」のように見えますが,「軍師祭酒」は実質的には幕僚長みたいな意味でしょうかね。
The Fu Zi recorded a detailed conversation between Guo Jia and Cao Cao, in which the former carefully pointed out ten advantages the latter had over Yuan Shao. Cao Cao asked Guo Jia, "Benchu (Yuan Shao) rules Ji, Qing and Bing provinces and has vast territories and large numbers of troops under his command. However, he has also been making offensive moves. I intend to attack him, but my forces are weaker than his, so what should I do?"
『傅子』には郭嘉と曹操の細かい議論が記録されており,その中で郭嘉は曹操が袁紹に十の利点があることを注意深く指摘し(point out)ています。曹操は郭嘉に「本初(袁紹)は冀州,青州,并州を支配し,広大な領土を持ち,大勢の部隊を指揮している。それでいて彼はまた攻勢に出ている。私は彼を攻撃するつもりだが,我が軍は彼の軍より弱い。それでどうすれば良いだろうか?」と尋ねました。
Guo Jia replied,
"Everyone has heard of the rivalry between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. Liu Bang won by strategy; Xiang Yu was very powerful but he still lost to Liu Bang. Based on my observations, Yuan Shao has ten disadvantages while you have ten advantages. (Yuan Shao) may have many troops but they are useless.
Yuan Shao is overly concerned with formalities, while you behave naturally. You win him in principle.
Yuan Shao attempts to achieve supremacy from an opposing position, while you use the Han Empire's authority to command respect. You win him in righteousness.
The Han dynasty declined due to a lack of discipline and law enforcement. Yuan Shao condones his followers and their ill discipline, so he fails in administration. You uphold discipline sternly and firmly among your followers. You win him in management.
「みな劉邦と項羽の争いを聞いたことがあるでしょう。劉邦は戦略で勝ちました。項羽は非常に強かったのに,それでも劉邦に負け(lose to)ました。私の見立てでは,袁紹には十の不利があり,一方殿には十の利点があります。袁紹には多くの部隊がいるかもしれませんが彼らは役立たずです。
袁紹は反対派の立場から優位を得ようとしていますが,殿は漢帝国の権威を利用して尊敬を集め(command respect)ています。殿は「義(正統性)」において彼に勝っています。
漢王朝は規律と法執行(law enforcement)の不足により衰退しました。袁紹は規律のない部下達を大目に見,行政において失敗をしています。殿は部下達の間に厳しくしっかりと規律を保っています。殿は「治(管理)」において彼に勝っています。
・lose は「負ける」ですが lose to... で「……に負ける」です。
・尊敬や支持を「集める」のに command が使えます。
Yuan Shao appears to be welcoming and accepting but he is actually jealous and suspicious. He never fully trusts his followers and places faith only in his family members and close relatives. You appear simple on the outside but you are actually very discerning on the inside. You fully trust those you have placed your faith in, and you promote meritocracy. You win him in tolerance.
Yuan Shao likes to listen to many ideas but is indecisive and he hesitates before he makes any move. You are decisive and you adapt to changes well. You win him in strategy.
Yuan Shao uses his fame to attract people to serve him and boost his name. His followers are mostly people who are able to disguise their flaws through persuasion and glib talk. You are sincere towards your followers and do not recruit them for the purpose of increasing your fame. Many loyal and truly capable people are willing to serve under you. You win him in virtue.
・discern の cer は certain「確実な」の cer で,dis は distance「距離」の dis です。「確実に(cern)離す(dis)」ということで discern は「識別する」です。その -ing 形 discerning は「識別力のある」という意味です。
・meritocracy の merit は「功績」,cracy は「支配」です。「功績による支配」ということで「功績第一主義,実力主義」という意味です。メリトクラシーとカタカナで言われることもあります。
ja.wikipedia.orgWhen Yuan Shao sees others suffering from hunger and cold, he will express his concern towards them. However, he will not do so if their sufferings are not obvious. This is a form of unwise care and concern. You sometimes neglect less important things but when you handle big situations, you are connected to the masses within the Four Seas and the rewards you give out are far greater than Yuan Shao's fame. Even though this may not be obvious, your care and concern towards others are complete. You win him in benevolence.
Yuan Shao's followers are often bickering and politicking and they give libelous and troublesome advice. You govern your followers with the right principles, so corruption does not occur under your leadership. You win him in wisdom.
Yuan Shao cannot distinguish between right and wrong. You respect someone when you think he has done right and you punish someone when you feel he has done wrong. You win him in culture.
・四海(the Four Seas)とは黄海(東海),南海,青海(西海),バイカル湖(北海)で,その内側とはほぼ中国大陸です。
・libelous は一見悪い意味に見えないかもですが,libel /laɪbl/ は「名誉棄損,中傷」という意味です。難語ですね。
Yuan Shao likes to display bravado and is not aware of the crucial elements in war. You overcome an enemy superior in numbers with a smaller force, just like a god of war. The soldiers look up to you, your enemies fear you. You win him in military skill."
Cao Cao laughed and said, "If what you've said is true, I feel really flattered." Guo Jia said, "Yuan Shao is now occupied in a war with Gongsun Zan in the north. We should head east to attack Lü Bu. If we don't eliminate Lü Bu first, when Yuan Shao attacks us and Lü Bu assists him, we'll be in deep trouble." Cao Cao agreed with Guo Jia.
曹操は笑って「君の言うことが本当なら,実に光栄な(flattered)気分だ」と言いました。郭嘉は言いました。「袁紹は今,北で公孫瓚との戦にかかりきりです。我が軍は東の呂布を攻撃すべきです。まず呂布を除かねば,袁紹が我が軍を攻撃して呂布が袁紹を支援した時,我が軍は窮地に陥るでしょう」 曹操は郭嘉に同意しました。