Wikipedia の三国志関連の記事を読んで英語・英単語の勉強をしていきます。袁紹その3に引き続き第26回は袁紹その4です。
Both sides made preparations for a decisive battle. Towards the end of 199, both sides had already engaged in skirmishes at Liyang, a major crossing point of the Yellow River. Cao Cao prepared his defences around Guandu, slightly south of the river. When Liu Bei defected from Cao Cao in the first month of 200 and planted a foothold in Xu Province, Cao Cao left his northern front exposed to Yuan Shao and turned east to deal with Liu Bei. Tian Feng urged Yuan Shao to seize the opportunity to attack Cao Cao while he was away, but Yuan Shao refused to launch an all-out offensive. Instead, he sent small detachments to harass his enemy. Yu Jin, the general appointed by Cao Cao to defend Yan Ford, defeated Yuan Shao's detachments.
・劉備の離反から于禁による撃退までは日本語版ウィキペディアにはこうまとまっています “199年,劉備が徐州にて曹操へ反乱を起こし,孫乾を派遣して袁紹に同盟を求めてきた。曹操は劉備を討つべく,袁紹への先陣を于禁に任せて東征した。田豊は「劉備と戦っている曹操の背後を襲えば,一度の行軍で勝利できます」と主張したが,袁紹は子供の病気を理由に遠征を許可せず,近くの延津を攻撃して于禁に撃退された”
Shortly after Cao Cao returned to Guandu, Yuan Shao had Chen Lin draft a document condemning Cao Cao in what was essentially a declaration of war. He then marched his main army towards the forward base of Liyang north of the Yellow River. At the time, Yuan Shao's main veteran army boasted of numbers over 100,000, supplemented with hundreds of thousands of less skilled militia units. Heavily outnumbering Cao Cao and holding large cavalry force, Yuan Shao's initial attacks almost overwhelmed his enemy's positions. It is recorded in the Records of the Three Kingdoms that Cao Cao on several occasions considered relinquishing his position, and consulted his chief strategist, Xun Yu on that decision, which Xun strongly opposed and further encouraged Cao to hold on.
曹操が官渡に帰還して間もなく,袁紹は陳琳に宣戦布告の文を書かせ,曹操を非難させました。それから袁紹は本軍を黄河北岸の黎陽に進軍させました。当時袁紹の老練な兵は十万超を誇り(boast of),比較的練度の低い数十万の民兵隊がこれを補いました。曹操軍を遥かに数で上回り(outnumber),騎兵の大軍も擁した袁紹の初撃は敵軍の地位をほぼ圧倒しました。三国志には,曹操が度々その地位を放棄することを考え,筆頭軍師の荀彧にその決断について相談し,これに荀彧が強く反対して踏みとどまるよう曹操を更に励ましたという記録があります。
Following an unexpected defection of one of Yuan Shao's strategists and personal friends, Xu You, Cao Cao received confidential information on the whereabouts of Yuan Shao's food storage. In late 200, Cao Cao and Yue Jin led a strike force to attack Yuan Shao's supply depot at Wuchao and burnt it down, inflicting severe damage on the morale of Yuan Shao's army. Two of Yuan Shao's officers, Zhang He and Gao Lan, immediately defected to Cao Cao's side once they got wind of what happened in Wuchao, and many others followed suit. Yuan Shao was unable to stop the trend and fled north across the Yellow River with only hundreds of loyalists.
袁紹の参謀の一人で友人でもあった許攸が予期せぬ離反をした後,曹操は袁紹の食糧庫の在処(whereabouts)についての機密情報(confidential information)を受け取りました。200年後半,曹操と楽進は攻撃部隊を率いて烏巣にあった袁紹の備蓄保管所を攻撃し焼き払い,袁紹軍の士気に深刻なダメージを与えました。袁紹の将官,張郃と高覧は烏巣で起こったことの噂を嗅ぎつける(get wind of)と間もなく曹操側に離反し,多くの者がこれに倣い(follow suit)ました。袁紹はこの趨勢を押し留めることができず,数百名の忠実な者のみと共に黄河を渡って北に逃亡しました。
・許攸の離反について,日本語版にはこうあります。“袁紹陣営の許攸は膠着した戦線を打開するべく,軽装兵を用いて許都を襲撃することを説いたが袁紹に受け入れられず,また家族が罪を犯して審配に逮捕されたことで嫌気がさし,曹操陣営に投降してきた” “曹操に対して淳于瓊が守る袁紹軍の兵糧基地烏巣の守備が手薄なことを教えて,奇襲をかけるように進言した。これが成功して烏巣は陥落し,楽進が淳于瓊を斬った”
Yuan Shao's first major defeat was also a decisive one. Thereafter, he lost the advantage over Cao Cao and never regained it. In 201, Cao Cao defeated him again at the Battle of Cangting and proceeded to capture several of Yuan Shao's territories in Ji Province.
After the Battle of Cangting, Cao Cao's exhausted troops returned to the south for a rest. Meanwhile, Yuan Shao was able to reorganise his defeated armies to settle the rebellions in his own domain, soon reestablishing order and restored the status quo ante bellum. Yuan Shao had three sons, and he favoured his third son, Yuan Shang, due to his good looks, and both Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang were his choice for succession. However, Yuan was never able to finalise his decision regarding who should succeed him before he died on 28 June 202, leaving his domain to be contested by his sons and Cao Cao.
倉亭の戦いの後,曹操の疲弊した(exhausted)軍勢は休息のため南に帰還しました。一方袁紹は敗れた軍を再編して自領での反乱を鎮圧することができ,間もなく秩序を再確立し,戦争前の(ante bellum)現状(the status quo)を回復しました。袁紹には三人の息子がおり,彼は見た目の良かった三男の袁尚を気に入り,袁譚と袁尚の両方が後継候補でした。しかし袁紹は202年6月28日に,後継者に関して決断を下すことなく亡くなり,彼の領土は二人の息子と曹操が争う地となりました。
Immediately after Yuan Shao's death, Shen Pei and Pang Ji, two influential advisers, supported Yuan Shang and pushed for him to succeed Yuan Shao, despite opposition from Yuan Tan... True to Ju Shou's previous warning, chaos ensued within Yuan Shao's forces. Cao Cao exploited the internal turmoil within the Yuan family to his advantage and completely eliminated Yuan Shao's heirs and remnants by 207.
Cao Cao paid his respects at Yuan Shao's tomb after conquering Ye city in 204. He wept bitterly for his old friend in front of his followers and gave Yuan Shao's family consolatory gifts and a government pension.