CCXXVI (226)
That Emperour down from his horse descends;
To the green grass, kneeling, his face he bends.
Then turns his eyes towards the Orient,
Calls upon God with heartiest intent:
"Very Father, this day do me defend,
Who to Jonas succour didst truly send
Out of the whale's belly, where he was pent;
And who didst spare the king of Niniven,
And Daniel from marvellous torment
When he was caged within the lions' den;
And three children, all in a fire ardent:
Thy gracious Love to me be here present.
In Thy Mercy, if it please Thee, consent
That my nephew Rollant I may avenge."
When he had prayed, upon his feet he stepped,
With the strong mark of virtue signed his head;
Upon his swift charger the King mounted
While Jozerans and Neimes his stirrup held;
He took his shield, his trenchant spear he kept;
Fine limbs he had, both gallant and well set;
Clear was his face and filled with good intent.
Vigorously he cantered onward thence.
In front, in rear, they sounded their trumpets,
Above them all boomed the olifant again.
Then all the Franks for pity of Rollant wept.
・Jonas は以下の人物で,大魚の腹の中に入るエピソードは旧約聖書の「ヨナ書」にあるそうです。
That Emperour canters in noble array,
Over his sark all of his beard displays;
For love of him, all others do the same,
Five score thousand Franks are thereby made plain.
They pass those peaks, those rocks and those mountains,
Those terrible narrows, and those deep vales,
Then issue from the passes and the wastes
Till they are come into the March of Spain;
A halt they've made, in th'middle of a plain.
To Baligant his vanguard comes again
A Sulian hath told him his message:
"We have seen Charles, that haughty sovereign;
Fierce are his men, they have no mind to fail.
Arm yourself then: Battle you'll have to-day."
Says Baligant: "Mine is great vassalage;
Let horns this news to my pagans proclaim."
・A Sulian はもう一つのバージョンでは a Syrian spy となっていたので「シリア兵(の歩哨)」でしょう。
・キリスト教徒にとってイスラム教は異教ですが,イスラム教徒にとってイスラム教は異教ではないので,バリガンが部下達を my pagans「我が異教徒達」と言うのは変なんですけどね。ただ pagan には「キリスト教を信じない者」の意味もあり,この意味で自称するのは変ではないですね。
Through all the host they have their drums sounded,
And their bugles, and, very clear trumpets.
Pagans dismount, that they may arm themselves.
Their admiral will stay no longer then;
Puts on a sark, embroidered in the hems,
Laces his helm, that is with gold begemmed;
After, his sword on his left side he's set,
Out of his pride a name for it he's spelt
Like to Carlun's, as he has heard it said,
So Preciuse he bad his own be clept;
Twas their ensign when they to battle went,
His chevaliers'; he gave that cry to them.
His own broad shield he hangs upon his neck,
(Round its gold boss a band of crystal went,
The strap of it was a good silken web;)
He grasps his spear, the which he calls Maltet;—
So great its shaft as is a stout cudgel,
Beneath its steel alone, a mule had bent;
On his charger is Baligant mounted,
Marcules, from over seas, his stirrup held.
That warrior, with a great stride he stepped,
Small were his thighs, his ribs of wide extent,
Great was his breast, and finely fashioned,
With shoulders broad and very clear aspect;
Proud was his face, his hair was ringleted,
White as a flow'r in summer was his head.
His vassalage had often been proved.
God! what a knight, were he a Christian yet!
His horse he's spurred, the clear blood issued;
He's gallopped on, over a ditch he's leapt,
Full fifty feet a man might mark its breadth.
Pagans cry out: "Our Marches shall be held;
There is no Frank, may once with him contest,
Will he or nill, his life he'll soon have spent.
Charles is mad, that he departs not hence."
・that they may は so that they may「彼らが……するために」です。
・were he a Christian は典型的仮定法表現で if he were a Christian「仮に彼がキリスト教であったならば」です。バリガンは「イスラム教徒にしておくには惜しい名将」というわけですね。
That admiral to a baron's like enough,
White is his beard as flowers by summer burnt;
In his own laws, of wisdom hath he much;
And in battle he's proud and arduous.
His son Malprimes is very chivalrous,
He's great and strong;—his ancestors were thus.
Says to his sire: "To canter then let us!
I marvel much that soon we'll see Carlun."
Says Baligant: "Yea, for he's very pruff;
In many tales honour to him is done;
He hath no more Rollant, his sister's son,
He'll have no strength to stay in fight with us."
その総督は名将らしく,髭は夏に咲き誇る花のように白い。その信条において多くの知恵を有し,戦では誇り高く獰猛だ。彼の息子のマルプリムは騎士の気質に優れ,先祖達と同様に勇敢さと強靭さを備えている。彼は父にこう言う。「殿,馬を駆けましょう! 今にもシャルルに見えますかな」
・バリガンの息子の Malprimes(Malprime)について,以前マルシル十二将に「ブリガルのマルプリミス(Malprimis of Brigal)」が登場しました。馬よりも速く駆ける人物で,特に活躍することもなくジェランに討ち取られました。バリガンの息子の方も初めはマルプリミスと訳していたのですが,考え直して「マルプリム」に変えてみました。
・pruff は『ローランの歌(4)』にも登場していますが,Wiktionary にすら載っておらず,その時にも意味が解りませんでした。もう一つのバージョンでは a valorous knight「勇猛な騎士」となっており,誉め言葉の形容詞ではあるようです。もしかすると proof「強い」のことかもしれませんね(例 fireproof「耐火性の,不燃性の」)
"Fair son Malprimes," then says t'him Baligant,
"Was slain yestreen the good vassal Rollanz,
And Oliver, the proof and valiant,
The dozen peers, whom Charles so cherished, and
Twenty thousand more Frankish combatants.
For all the rest I'ld not unglove my hand.
But the Emperour is verily come back,
—So tells me now my man, that Sulian—
Ten great columns he's set them in their ranks;
He's a proof man who sounds that olifant,
With a clear call he rallies his comrades;
These at the head come cantering in advance,
Also with them are fifteen thousand Franks,
Young bachelors, whom Charles calls Infants;
As many again come following that band,
Who will lay on with utmost arrogance."
Then says Malprimes: "The first blow I demand."
・yestreen は「前の晩(the night before)」です。
・For all the rest I'ld not unglove my hand「残りの者達に対して,私は手袋を外すつもりはない」は一瞬意味不明でしたが,『ジーニアス英和辞典』で glove を引くと,take the gloves off で「本気で戦う」というのがあります。gloves を外せば「本気」,外さなければ「本気でない(適当)」という発想があるのでしょう。「手袋を外さない」ということは,本気で戦わなくてもよいと思っているということでしょう。もう一つのバージョンでは Not at a glove's worth hold I all the rest「私は残りの者達を,glove の価値すらないと考える」です。
・infant は「子ども,幼児」です。なおそこから infantry は「歩兵隊」です。
・as many again は「二倍」です。「1.5倍」は half again as many,half as many again です。なおシャルル本隊は十万だったと思うので,その二倍どころではないですね。
"Fair son Malprimes," says Baligant to him,
"I grant it you, as you have asked me this;
Against the Franks go now, and smite them quick.
And take with you Torleu, the Persian king
And Dapamort, another king Leutish.
Their arrogance if you can humble it,
Of my domains a slice to you I'll give
From Cheriant unto the Vale Marquis."
"I thank you, Sire!" Malprimes answers him;
Going before, he takes delivery;
'Tis of that land, was held by king Flurit.
After that hour he never looked on it,
Investiture gat never, nor seizin.
・Their arrogance if you can humble it は一瞬「彼らの傲慢さ」が「トルルとダパモールの傲慢さ」に読めますが,もう一つのバージョンでは If you subdue the vaunting Carle となっており,「もしシャルルの傲慢さを打ち砕けば」ですね。humble は「謙虚な,卑しい」ですが,動詞で「簡単に打ち負かす,恥をかかせる」の意味があります。「やっつけて謙虚にさせる」ということですね。
・he takes delivery「彼は品物を受け取る」もう一つのバージョンでは he receives the boon「贈り物を受け取る」です。何を受け取ったか明記していませんが,土地の一部を与えるという約束の書状でしょうか。