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ローランの歌(36) シャルル,ローランの死を嘆く



  Pagan Arabs out of their ships issue,
  Then mount upon their horses and their mules,
  And canter forth, (nay, what more might they do?)
  Their admiral, by whom they all were ruled,
  Called up to him Gemalfin, whom he knew:
  "I give command of all my hosts to you."
  On a brown horse mounted, as he was used,
  And in his train he took with him four dukes.
  Cantered so far, he came to Sarraguce.
  Dismounted on a floor of marble blue,
  Where four counts were, who by his stirrup stood;
  Up by the steps, the palace came into;
  To meet him there came running Bramimunde,
  Who said to him: "Accursed from the womb,
  That in such shame my sovran lord I lose!
  Fell at his feet, that admiral her took.
  In grief they came up into Marsile's room.

異教徒のアラビア人達は船を降り,自分達の馬やラバに乗り,駆け出す(他に何をかせん) 皆を支配する総督は良く知るジェマルファンを呼び寄せる。「我が軍勢の指揮権をそちに預けよう」


issue は「出てくる」の意味があり,そこから「発行する,(雑誌の)号」「問題点,論点」の意味が重要です。


  King Marsilies, when he sees Baligant,
  Calls to him then two Spanish Sarazands:
  "Take me by the arms, and so lift up my back."
  One of his gloves he takes in his left hand;
  Then says Marsile: "Sire, king and admiral,
  Quittance I give you here of all my land,
  With Sarraguce, and the honour thereto hangs.
  Myself I've lost; my army, every man."
  He answers him: "Therefore the more I'm sad.
  No long discourse together may we have;
  Full well I know, Charles waits not our attack,
  I take the glove from you, in spite of that."
  He turned away in tears, such grief he had.
  Down by the steps, out of the palace ran,
  Mounted his horse, to's people gallopped back.
  Cantered so far, he came before his band;
  From hour to hour then, as he went, he sang:
  "Pagans, come on: already flee the Franks!"





Quittance I give you here of all my land, with Sarraguce, and the honour thereto hangs の辺りはよく分からなかったのでもう一つのバージョンの all my lands and kingdoms, Sarraguce, domains and fiefs but wreck and ruin—Subjects, wealth—all lost を参考にしました。


  In morning time, when the dawn breaks at last,
  Awakened is that Emperour Charles.
  Saint Gabriel, who on God's part him guards,
  Raises his hand, the Sign upon him marks.
  Rises the King, his arms aside he's cast,
  The others then, through all the host, disarm.
  After they mount, by virtue canter fast
  Through those long ways, and through those roads so large;
  They go to see the marvellous damage
  In Rencesvals, there where the battle was.


・この arms は「武器」。次の disarm は「武装解除する」ですね。


  In Rencesvals is Charles entered,
  Begins to weep for those he finds there dead;
  Says to the Franks: "My lords, restrain your steps,
  Since I myself alone should go ahead,
  For my nephew, whom I would find again.
  At Aix I was, upon the feast Noel,
  Vaunted them there my valiant chevaliers,
  Of battles great and very hot contests;
  With reason thus I heard Rollant speak then:
  He would not die in any foreign realm
  Ere he'd surpassed his peers and all his men.
  To the foes' land he would have turned his head,
  Conqueringly his gallant life he'ld end."
  Further than one a little wand could send,
  Before the rest he's on a peak mounted.




vaunt は「自慢話をする」です。目的語の them がよく分かりませんが,themselves ということでしょうかね(自分自身のことを自慢する)。古い英語では再帰代名詞の himself などを単に him と言うことがあります。

He would not die in any foreign realm ere he'd surpassed his peers and all his men のところはもう一つのバージョンの should he ever die on foreign soil, before his peers and men he should be found facing the foe を参考にしました。should he die = if he should die で,「万一外国の土地で死ぬとしたら,同僚や部下達の前で,敵に顔を向けているのが発見されるであろう」と読めます。


  When the Emperour went seeking his nephew,
  He found the grass, and every flower that bloomed,
  Turned scarlat, with our barons' blood imbrued;
  Pity he felt, he could but weep for rue.
  Beneath two trees he climbed the hill and looked,
  And Rollant's strokes on three terraces knew,
  On the green grass saw lying his nephew;
  `Tis nothing strange that Charles anger grew.
  Dismounted then, and went—his heart was full,
  In his two hands the count's body he took;
  With anguish keen he fell on him and swooned.


imbrue は「染める」といった意味です。不思議なことに r の無い imbue も同様の意味であり,『ジーニアス英和辞典』には imbue しか載っていません。


  That Emperour is from his swoon revived.
  Naimes the Duke, and the count Aceline,
  Gefrei d'Anjou and his brother Tierry,
  Take up the King, bear him beneath a pine.
  There on the ground he sees his nephew lie.
  Most sweetly then begins he to repine:
  "Rollant, my friend, may God to thee be kind!
  Never beheld any man such a knight
  So to engage and so to end a fight.
  Now my honour is turned into decline!"
  Charle swoons again, he cannot stand upright.


「ローランよ,我が友よ,神の恩寵あらんことを! お前ほど戦に明け暮れた騎士はおらん。お前を失って余の名誉は衰えていくのだ!」


・d'Anjou(ダンジュー)とは「アンジューの(of Anjou)」という意味ですね。他にもヨランド・ダラゴンという女性がいますがダラゴン(d'Aragon)は「アラゴンの」ということです。



repine は「不平を言う」といった意味で,pine「松」と韻を踏むため使ったのでしょう。repine の pine は「松」というより pain「苦しみ」と関係していそうですね。


  Charles the King returned out of his swoon.
  Him in their hands four of his barons took,
  He looked to the earth, saw lying his nephew;
  All colourless his lusty body grew,
  He turned his eyes, were very shadowful.
  Charles complained in amity and truth:
  "Rollant, my friend, God lay thee mid the blooms
  Of Paradise, among the glorious!
  Thou cam'st to Spain in evil tide, seigneur!
  Day shall not dawn, for thee I've no dolour.
  How perishes my strength and my valour!
  None shall I have now to sustain my honour;
  I think I've not one friend neath heaven's roof,
  Kinsmen I have, but none of them's so proof."
  He tore his locks, till both his hands were full.
  Five score thousand Franks had such great dolour
  There was not one but sorely wept for rue.


「ローランよ,我が友よ,神がお前を楽園の花々の間に,名誉ある者達と並んで寝かせんことを! お前は運の悪い時にスペインに来てしまった。余がお前を嘆かぬ日はない。余の力と勇気は衰えたり! 余の名誉を支えてくれる者はもうおらぬ。この天の下に友人は一人もおらぬ。同族はおるが,お前ほど強き者はおらぬ」



Day shall not dawn, for thee I've no dolour の所は not と no で二重否定となっており,「……ない~はない」というものです。「私がお前を嘆かずに夜が明けることはない」→「私は毎朝お前を嘆く」です。現代英語風には Not a day passes but S V.「SVしない日はない」というものがあるので Not a day dawns but I have dolor for you. といった感じです(dolo(u)r は「悲しみ」)

lock は「錠前」とは別に「髪の房・束」という意味があります。




