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三国志で英語のお勉強19: 公孫瓚(公孫伯珪)



公孫瓚(Gongsun Zan,公孫伯珪,Gongsun Bogui,?年-199年4月)

Little is known of Gongsun Zan's early life. He and Liu Bei studied under the tutelage of Lu Zhi. At the time, the administrator of his home commandery appreciated Gongsun Zan's impressive looks and booming voice, so he arranged for his daughter to marry him. Gongsun Zan was deployed by He Jin to quash rebellions in the north which he did successfully. Following a misunderstanding with his lord, Liu Yu, Gongsun attacked Liu and killed him, thus winning control of the surrounding areas... During this time, his former classmate Liu Bei came to serve him and was allocated the city of Pingyuan to defend.


・tutelage「指導」は tutor「指導教員」,tutorial と同根ですね。




・劉虞が「彼の主君(his lord)」となっているのは,劉虞が幽州刺史であること,劉虞が漢の王族であること,のゆえですかね。光武帝劉秀(後漢の始祖)の長男劉彊は皇太子でしたが,皇后だった母が廃位されたために自ら願い出て皇太子から廃位してもらい王の位(東海王;諡は東海恭王)に落とされました。劉虞はこの東海恭王劉彊の子孫です。なお光武帝の跡は側室(のち皇后)の陰麗華の子劉陽(劉荘)が継ぎました(第2代明帝)


To the south, the two brothers Yuan Shao in the north and Yuan Shu in the south vied for supremacy over central China. Gongsun Zan formed an alliance with Yuan Shu and sent his second cousin, Gongsun Yue, to help Yuan Shu's general, Sun Jian, retake Yangcheng. However, Gongsun Yue died in the campaign. Using this as a pretext, Gongsun Zan attacked Yuan Shao after his initial plan to gain Han Fu's lands went awry. However, Gongsun Zan was defeated by Yuan Shao at the Battle of Yijing. He committed suicide through self-immolation, after killing his sisters, wife and children.

南に目を向けると,北の袁紹と南の袁術の兄弟が中原の覇権を巡って対立しました。公孫瓚袁術と結んで従弟の公孫越を派遣し,袁術の将軍孫堅が陽城を奪回するのを援けさせましたが,公孫越はその作戦で戦死しました。これを口実(pretext)として公孫瓚は,韓馥の土地を奪う計画が失敗に終わった(went awry)後,袁紹を攻撃しました。しかし公孫瓚袁紹易京の戦いで敗れました。彼は姉妹や妻子を殺害した後,城に火を付けて自決しました。

・awry /ər/ は難しい語ですが wry に「ねじる」という意味があり,writhe /raɪð/「身もだえする」と同根ぽいです。



He leads an elite cavalry unit called the "White Riders" and has served on the northern and eastern frontiers of the Han Empire by defending the borders from incursions by various non-Han Chinese tribes. In 191, Gongsun Zan joins the coalition against Dong Zhuo... After the coalition breaks up, he gets into a rivalry with Yuan Shao over the territories in northern China and engages him in a series of battles throughout the 190s, starting with the Battle of Jieqiao and ending with his defeat and death at the Battle of Yijing.

彼は「白馬義従」と呼ばれる精鋭騎馬隊を率いており,漢帝国の北や東の辺境で,様々な非漢民族の侵略から国境を守りました。191年,公孫瓚は反董卓連合に参加しました。連合が解散する(break up)と,華北の領土を巡って袁紹と対立し,190年代を通して界橋の戦いに始まり易京の戦いでの敗北と死に終わる一連の戦いを繰り広げました。


・engage には「交戦する」の意味があります(自動詞他動詞ともにあり)。be engaged には「婚約している」の意味もありますが,「交戦」と「婚約」に共通する意味合いは「関わり合い」ですね。うろ覚えですが『ユナイテッド93』(同時多発テロ事件を描いたグリーングラス監督の映画)で米軍パイロットが "Can we engage?"「交戦してよいのか(=ハイジャック機を攻撃してよいのか)?」と聞くシーンがありました。



In the novel, Gongsun Zan is nicknamed "White Horse General" because the elite cavalry unit he leads is made up completely of horses of pure white. The reason for doing so is that he knows that the non-Han Chinese tribes consider white horses sacred animals so they will run away when they encounter an enemy unit riding white horses in battle.


be made up of...「……から成っている」は重要表現です。



