Then he sent Sir Marhaus word, “That a better man than he should fight with him, Sir Tristram of Lyonesse, son of King Meliodas and of King Mark’s own sister.” So the battle was ordained to be fought in an island near Sir Marhaus’ ships, and there Sir Tristram landed on the morrow, with Governale alone attending him for squire, and him he sent back to the land when he had made himself ready.
・ordain は「定める;叙任する」です。「叙任する」の方も「定める」の訳から出てきます。オーディンに似ていますので「オーディンは定める」で覚えましょう。また ordeal「試練」も「オーディンの試練」で覚えましょう。となると ordain と ordeal の区別は? となりますが,単発の単語テストでもない限り「定める」という動詞と「試練」という名詞は出てくるコンテクストが違うでしょうから区別できるでしょう。
When Sir Marhaus and Sir Tristram were thus left alone, Sir Marhaus said, “Young knight Sir Tristram what doest thou here? I am full sorry for thy rashness, for ofttimes have I been assailed in vain, and by the best knights of the world. Be warned in time, return to them that sent thee.”
このようにしてマーハウス卿とトリスタン卿だけが残されると,マーハウス卿が言った。「若き騎士トリスタン卿はここで何をしているのかな? 私は貴殿の軽率さが残念だよ。というのもこの世で最良と言われる騎士が度々私を攻撃して失敗に終わっているのだよ。今のうちに警告を聞き,貴殿を寄越した者達の許へ還り給え」
“Fair knight, and well-proved knight,” replied Sir Tristram, “be sure that I shall never quit this quarrel till one of us be overcome. For this cause have I been made knight, and thou shalt know before we part that though as yet unproved, I am a king’s son and first-born of a queen. Moreover I have promised to deliver Cornwall from this ancient burden, or to die. Also, thou shouldst have known, Sir Marhaus, that thy valour and thy might are but the better reasons why I should assail thee; for whether I win or lose I shall gain honour to have met so great a knight as thou art.”
Then they began the battle, and tilted at their hardest against each other, so that both knights and horses fell to the earth. But Sir Marhaus’ spear smote Sir Tristram a great wound in the side. Then, springing up from their horses, they lashed together with their swords like two wild boars. And when they had stricken together a great while they left off strokes and lunged at one another’s breasts and visors; but seeing this availed not they hurtled together again to bear each other down.
・lunged の意味を調べる為に lung を引いてしまいました。これは間違いです。ここでは lunge(ランヂ)「突く」の過去形でした。lung の -ed 形も lunge の -ed 形も lunged になってしまうのが英語の厄介な所です。
Thus fought they more than half the day, till both were sorely spent and blood ran from them to the ground on every side. But by this time Sir Tristram remained fresher than Sir Marhaus and better winded, and with a mighty stroke he smote him such a buffet as cut through his helm into his brain-pan, and there his sword stuck in so fast that thrice Sir Tristram pulled ere he could get it from his head. Then fell Sir Marhaus down upon his knees, and the edge of Sir Tristram’s sword broke off into his brain-pan. And suddenly when he seemed dead, Sir Marhaus rose and threw his sword and shield away from him and ran and fled into his ship. And Tristram cried out after him, “Aha! Sir knight of the Round Table, dost thou withdraw thee from so young a knight? it is a shame to thee and all thy kin; I would rather have been hewn into a hundred pieces than have fled from thee.”
このようにして2人は半日以上も戦い,両者は疲れ果てて血はあらゆる方向に流れた。しかしこの時にはもうトリスタン卿はマーハウス卿よりも休息できており,息も整い,力強い一撃で彼の兜を頭に達するほど斬り下ろし,トリスタンの剣は兜にしっかりと嵌ってしまってトリスタン卿は剣を取り戻すために3度引っ張ったほどだった。それでマーハウス卿は膝をつき,トリスタン卿の剣の刃は頭に刺さったまま折れた。そして突然,死んだように見えたマーハウス卿は起き上がり,剣と盾を投げ捨てて,自分の船めがけて逃げた。それでトリスタン卿は彼の背後から呼びかけた。「はは! 円卓の騎士殿,こんなに若い騎士から退却なさいますか? 貴方にも貴方の親族にも恥ですよ。私なら,貴方から逃げるくらいなら切り刻まれた方が良いと思いますがね」
・winded は「息を切らした」という意味ですが,better winded は「息切れ具合が(相手より)まし」ということです。
But Sir Marhaus answered nothing, and sorely groaning fled away.
“Farewell, Sir knight, farewell,” laughed Tristram, whose own voice now was hoarse and faint with loss of blood; “I have thy sword and shield in my safe keeping, and will wear them in all places where I ride on my adventures, and before King Arthur and the Table Round.”
Then was Sir Marhaus taken back to Ireland by his company; and as soon as he arrived his wounds were searched, and when they searched his head they found therein a piece of Tristram’s sword; but all the skill of surgeons was in vain to move it out. So anon Sir Marhaus died.
But the queen, his sister, took the piece of sword-blade and put it safely by, for she thought that some day it might help her to revenge her brother’s death.
・hoarse は「(声が)かすれた,嗄(か)れた」という意味ですが,horse「馬」と同音です。hose「ホース」は「ホウズ」のような発音なので全然違います。
Meanwhile, Sir Tristram, being sorely wounded, sat down softly on a little mound and bled passing fast; and in that evil case was found anon by Governale and King Mark’s knights. Then they gently took him up and brought him in a barge back to the land, and lifted him into a bed within the castle, and had his wounds dressed carefully.
・dress は「服を着せる」ですが「(消毒して)包帯を巻く」の意にも使われます。
But for a great while he lay sorely sick, and was likely to have died of the first stroke Sir Marhaus had given him with the spear, for the point of it was poisoned. And, though the wisest surgeons and leeches — both men and women — came from every part, yet could he be by no means cured. At last came a wise lady, and said plainly that Sir Tristram never should be healed, until he went and stayed in that same country whence the poison came. When this was understood, the king sent Sir Tristram in a fair and goodly ship to Ireland, and by fortune he arrived fast by a castle where the king and queen were. And as the ship was being anchored, he sat upon his bed and harped a merry lay, and made so sweet a music as was never equalled.
・leech を初め「ヒル」と訳しかけましたが,思い直して辞書を引くと「内科医」を表す古語なのでした。
When the king heard that the sweet harper was a wounded knight, he sent for him, and asked his name. “I am of the country of Lyonesse,” he answered, “and my name is Tramtrist;” for he dared not tell his true name lest the vengeance of the queen should fall upon him for her brother’s death.
甘いハープ曲を奏でる者が負傷した騎士だと聞くと,王は彼を呼びにやり,彼の名を尋ねた。「私はライオネスの国出身です」と彼は答えた。「そして名前はタントリスと言います」 というのは彼は妃が兄弟の死の復讐をするため自分を襲うことを避けるため,自分の本名を言う勇気がなかったためである。
・私がもし「イニャフレイです(・ω・)」と言ったら「イニャフレイ? フレイニャではないか!」とバレると思います。タントリス(トラムトリスト)でバレないと思ったのでしょうか。考察するに,(1) この時点ではアイルランド王はマーハウス卿と戦った騎士の名を知らないであろう。特に (2) タントリスが毒にやられていることから,タントリスの相手がマーハウスの筈がないと王は考えるであろう。何故なら円卓の騎士は謀略や卑怯な手を使わないとアーサー王に誓っているからです。王はどこぞの卑怯な偽騎士にタントリスがやられたと考えていることでしょう。
“Well,” said King Anguish, “thou art right welcome here, and shalt have all the help this land can give thee; but be not anxious if I am at times cast down and sad, for but lately in Cornwall the best knight in the world, fighting for my cause, was slain; his name was Sir Marhaus, a knight of King Arthur’s Round Table.” And then he told Sir Tristram all the story of Sir Marhaus’ battle, and Sir Tristram made pretence of great surprise and sorrow, though he knew all far better than the king himself.
「そうか」アングイッシュ王は言った。「そなたはこの国に大歓迎である。できる限りの助力もしよう。私は時々落胆し,悲しむことがあるが心配するな。というのは最近コーンウォールで私のために戦ったこの世で一番の騎士が殺されたのだ。彼の名はマーハウス卿と言い,アーサー王の円卓の騎士であった」 それから王はトリスタン卿にマーハウス卿の戦いの物語を全て話し,トリスタン卿は大いに驚き悲しむふりをした。王自身より遥かに知っていたのだが。
・cast down は let down「落胆させる(disappoint)」です。
Then was he put in charge of the king’s daughter, La Belle Isault, to be healed of his wound, and she was as fair and noble a lady as men’s eyes might see. And so marvellously was she skilled in medicine, that in a few days she fully cured him; and in return Sir Tristram taught her the harp; so, before long, they two began to love each other greatly.
But at that time a heathen knight, Sir Palomedes, was in Ireland, and much cherished by the king and queen. He also loved mightily La Belle Isault, and never wearied of making her great gifts, and seeking for her favour, and was ready even to be christened for her sake. Sir Tristram therefore hated him out of measure, and Sir Palomedes was full of rage and envy against Tristram.
・Palomedes は Palomides, Palamedes とも綴るようです。
And so it befell that King Anguish proclaimed a great tournament to be held, the prize whereof should be a lady called the Lady of the Launds, of near kindred to the king: and her the winner of the tournament should wed in three days afterwards, and possess all her lands. When La Belle Isault told Sir Tristram of this tournament, he said, “Fair lady! I am yet a feeble knight, and but for thee had been a dead man now: what wouldest thou I should do? Thou knowest well I may not joust.”
それでアングイッシュ王が大きなトーナメントを開催するということがあり,その賞品が王の近い縁者のローンズの貴婦人と呼ばれる女性であった。そしてトーナメントの勝者は彼女と戦後3日以内に結婚し,彼女の土地を全て手に入れるとのことだった。美しきイゾルデがこのトーナメントについてトリスタン卿に話すと,彼は言った。「お嬢さん! 私はまだ弱い騎士です。それに貴方がいなければ今頃は死んでいました。私がどうすることを願われますか? 私は試合に出るべきではないとお分かりですね」
“Ah, Tristram,” said she, “why wilt thou not fight in this tournament? Sir Palomedes will be there, and will do his mightiest; and therefore be thou there, I pray thee, or else he will be winner of the prize.”
“Madam,” said Tristram, “I will go, and for thy sake will do my best; but let me go unknown to all men; and do thou, I pray thee, keep my counsel, and help me to a disguise.”
「ああトリスタン」彼女は言った。「このトーナメントに出られたらいかがでしょう? パロメデス卿は出て全力を尽くすでしょう。ですから貴方も出て下さい,さもなければ彼が賞品を手にしてしまいます」
So on the day of jousting came Sir Palomedes, with a black shield, and overthrew many knights. And all the people wondered at his prowess; for on the first day he put to the worse Sir Gawain, Sir Gaheris, Sir Agravaine, Sir Key, and many more from far and near. And on the morrow he was conqueror again, and overthrew the king with a hundred knights and the King of Scotland. But presently Sir Tristram rode up to the lists, having been let out at a privy postern of the castle, where none could see. La Belle Isault had dressed him in white armour and given him a white horse and shield, and so he came suddenly into the field as it had been a bright angel.
・put... to the worse は「……を負かす」ですが,他にも better, best などが勝ち負けを表すことがあります。単語集『鉄壁』に載っているほど重要な get the better of...「……を負かす」。それから best...「……を負かす」,worst...「……を負かす」です。best も worst も「負かす(打ち勝つ)」なのが面白いですね。なお『ランダムハウス英和大辞典』では worst は(古風)とありますが best には(古風)の表記はありません。best「……を負かす」 は古語ではないということですね。確かに,『ジーニアス英和辞典』にこの意味の best は載っていますが worst は載っていません。
As soon as Sir Palomedes saw him he ran at him with a great spear in rest, but Sir Tristram was ready, and at the first encounter hurled him to the ground. Then there arose a great cry that the knight with the black shield was overthrown. And Palomedes sorely hurt and shamed, sought out a secret way and would have left the field; but Tristram watched him, and rode after him, and bade him stay, for he had not yet done with him. Then did Sir Palomedes turn with fury, and lash at Sir Tristram with his sword; but at the first stroke Sir Tristram smote him to the earth, and cried, “Do now all my commands, or take thy death.” Then he yielded to Sir Tristram’s mercy, and promised to forsake La Belle Isault, and for twelve months to wear no arms or armour. And rising up, he cut his armour off him into shreds with rage and madness, and turned and left the field: and Sir Tristram also left the lists, and rode back to the castle through the postern gate.
Then was Sir Tristram long cherished by the King and Queen of Ireland, and ever with La Belle Isault. But on a certain day, while he was bathing, came the queen with La Belle Isault by chance into his chamber, and saw his sword lie naked on the bed: anon she drew it from the scabbard and looked at it a long while, and both thought it a passing fair sword; but within a foot and a half of the end there was a great piece broken out, and while the queen was looking at the gap, she suddenly remembered the piece of sword-blade that was found in the brain-pan of her brother Sir Marhaus.
Therewith she turned and cried, “By my faith, this is the felon knight who slew thy uncle!” And running to her chamber she sought in her casket for the piece of iron from Sir Marhaus’ head and brought it back, and fitted it in Tristram’s sword; and surely did it fit therein as closely as it had been but yesterday broke out.
直ちに妃は振り返って叫んだ。「きっと貴女のおじさんを殺した犯人だわ!」 そして自分の部屋へ走って行き,小箱の中からマーハウス卿の頭から取った鉄の欠片を取り,トリスタンの剣にはめてみた。すると確かに,まるでつい昨日取れたかのようにその欠片はピッタリとはまった。
Then the queen caught the sword up fiercely in her hand, and ran into the room where Sir Tristram was yet in his bath, and making straight for him, had run him through the body, had not his squire, Sir Hebes, got her in his arms, and pulled the sword away from her.
Then ran she to the king, and fell upon her knees before him, saying, “Lord and husband, thou hast here in thy house that felon knight who slew my brother Marhaus!”
“Who is it?” said the king.
“It is Sir Tristram!” said she, “whom Isault hath healed.”