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So when Sir Key had supped, they went to sleep, and Sir Lancelot and he slept in the same bed. On the morrow, Sir Lancelot rose early, and took Sir Key’s shield and armour and set forth. When Sir Key arose, he found Sir Lancelot’s armour by his bedside, and his own arms gone. “Now, by my faith,” thought he, “I know that he will grieve some knights of our king’s court; for those who meet him will be bold to joust with him, mistaking him for me, while I, dressed in his shield and armour, shall surely ride in peace.”

Then Sir Lancelot, dressed in Sir Key’s apparel, rode long in a great forest, and came at last to a low country, full of rivers and fair meadows, and saw a bridge before him, whereon were three silk tents of divers colours, and to each tent was hung a white shield, and by each shield stood a knight. So Sir Lancelot went by without speaking a word. And when he had passed, the three knights said it was the proud Sir Key, “who thinketh no knight equal to himself, although the contrary is full often proved upon him.”

それでケイ卿が夕飯を食べ終わると,彼らは床に就いた。そしてランスロット卿とケイ卿は同じベッドで眠った。翌朝,ランスロット卿は早く起き,ケイ卿の盾と防具を取って出かけた。ケイ卿が起きると,ランスロット卿の武具がベッドの傍にあり,自分自身の武具は無くなっていた。「さてはきっと」彼は思った。「彼は我が君の宮廷の騎士達を懲らしめるつもりなのだろう。彼に会った者は彼を僕と間違えて勇敢にも彼と馬上試合するだろう。一方僕は彼の盾と鎧を身につけて,きっと安全に移動できるんだ」 ということでランスロット卿はケイ卿の武具を身につけ,大きな森を長く駆け,遂に川や美しい牧草地で一杯の低地の土地へ出て,目の前に橋が架かっているのが見えた。そこには色の違う3つの絹の陣幕があり,それぞれには白い盾が掛かっており,それぞれの盾の傍に1人ずつ騎士が立っていた。それでランスロット卿は黙って傍を通り過ぎた。そして彼が通り過ぎてしまうと,3人の騎士達はそれが誇り高きケイ卿だと言った。「自分に敵う騎士はいないと思ってるんだ。全く逆だと分かるんだがな」


sup「飲む,食べる」は supper「夕食」の元となった語で,soup や sip「ちびちび飲む」と同語源でしょう。


By my faith!” said one of them, named Gaunter, “I will ride after and attack him for all his pride, and ye shall watch my speed.”

Then, taking shield and spear, he mounted and rode after Sir Lancelot, and cried, “Abide, proud knight, and turn, for thou shalt not pass free!

So Sir Lancelot turned, and each one put his spear in rest and came with all his might against the other. And Sir Gaunter’s spear brake short, but Sir Lancelot smote him down, both horse and man.

When the other knights saw this, they said, “Yonder is not Sir Key, but a bigger man.”





by one's faith は『ランダムハウス英和大辞典』に載っていました。「誓って,確かに」です。by the faith of...「……に誓って」というのも載っていました。by... が「……にかけて」という意味なんですね。

for all... には「……にもかかわらず」という意味があり,I will attack him for all his pride は「彼の誇りにかかわらず彼を攻撃する」ですが,「攻撃して彼の誇りを挫く」と訳しました。


“I dare wager my head,” said Sir Gilmere, “yonder knight hath slain Sir Key, and taken his horse and harness.”

“Be it so, or not,” said Sir Reynold, the third brother; “let us now go to our brother Gaunter’s rescue; we shall have enough to do to match that knight, for, by his stature, I believe it is Sir Lancelot or Sir Tristram.”

Anon, they took their horses and galloped after Sir Lancelot; and Sir Gilmere first assailed him, but was smitten down forthwith, and lay stunned on the earth. Then said Sir Reynold, “Sir knight, thou art a strong man, and, I believe, hast slain my two brothers, wherefore my heart is sore against thee; yet, if I might with honour, I would avoid thee. Nevertheless, that cannot be, so keep thyself.” And so they hurtled together with all their might, and each man shivered his spear to pieces; and then they drew their swords and lashed out eagerly.


「そうかも知れないし,違うかも知れないけど」3人目の兄弟レイノルド卿が言った。「さあゴーンター兄さんの救助に向かおう。あの騎士は相手に取って不足なしだ。背丈から言ってあれはランスロット卿かトリスタン卿だよ」 直ぐに2人は馬に乗って全速でランスロット卿を追いかけた。そしてギルメア卿が先ず彼に襲い掛かったが,直ちに打ち倒され,地面に落ちて失神した。それでレイノルド卿は「騎士殿貴方は強い人だ。それに私の2人の兄弟を殺したのだろうから私の心は激しく貴方に敵意を抱いている。でも名誉を重んじるなら,貴方を避けるべきなのかもしれない。それでもそれは出来ない。身を護り給え」 それで2人は全力で突進し合い,双方が槍を粉々に壊した。それから双方剣を抜いて熱烈に斬り合った。


And as they fought, Sir Gaunter and Sir Gilmere presently arose and mounted once again, and came down at full tilt upon Sir Lancelot. But, when he saw them coming, he put forth all his strength, and struck Sir Reynold off his horse. Then, with two other strokes, he served the others likewise.



Anon, Sir Reynold crept along the ground, with his head all bloody, and came towards Sir Lancelot. “It is enough,” said Lancelot, “I was not far from thee when thou wast made a knight, Sir Reynold, and know thee for a good and valiant man, and was full loth to slay thee.”

“Grammercy for thy gentleness!” said Sir Reynold. “I and my brethren will straightway yield to thee when we know thy name, for well we know that thou art not Sir Key.”




“As for that,” said Sir Lancelot, “be it as it may, but ye shall yield to Queen Guinevere at the next feast of Pentecost as prisoners, and say that Sir Key sent ye.”

Then they swore to him it should be done as he commanded. And so Sir Lancelot passed on, and the three brethren helped each other’s wounds as best they might.




Then rode Sir Lancelot forward into a deep forest, and came upon four knights of King Arthur’s court, under an oak tree — Sir Sagramour, Sir Ector, Sir Gawain, and Sir Ewaine. And when they spied him, they thought he was Sir Key. “Now by my faith,” said Sir Sagramour, “I will prove Sir Key’s might!” and taking his spear he rode towards Sir Lancelot.

But Sir Lancelot was aware of him, and, setting his spear in rest, smote him so sorely, that horse and man fell to the earth.

それからランスロット卿は深い森に入り,オークの木の下でアーサー王の宮廷の4人の騎士に遭遇した。サグラモー卿,エクター卿,ガウェイン卿,ユーウェイン卿である。彼らは彼を見ると,それがケイ卿だと思った。「さあ誓って」サグラモー卿は言った。「ケイ卿の力を試してやる!」 そして槍を取ってランスロット卿に向かって馬を走らせた。しかしランスロット卿は彼に気付いており,槍をレストに固定して激しく彼を打ち,人馬諸共地面に倒した。

サグラモーは Sagramore, Sagremor など様々な綴りがあるようです。またここにいたエクター卿エクター・ド・マリスのようですのでランスロットの異母弟ということになります。


“Lo!” cried Sir Ector, “I see by the buffet that knight hath given our fellow he is stronger than Sir Key. Now will I try what I can do against him!” So Sir Ector took his spear, and galloped at Sir Lancelot; and Sir Lancelot met him as he came, and smote him through shield and shoulder, so that he fell, but his own spear was not broken.

「あれは」エクター卿は叫んだ。「あの騎士が俺達の仲間に繰り出したあの攻撃からして,あいつはケイ卿より強いぞ。今度は俺があいつに腕を試そう」 そう言ってエクター卿は槍を取り,ランスロット卿に全速で向かった。そしてランスロット卿は彼が来るのを迎え撃ち,盾と肩を突いたので彼は落馬したが,彼自身の槍は折れていなかった。

・実はこの broken「(槍が)折れた」の真意が長らく分かっていませんでした。エクター卿はランスロット卿に槍で突かれて落馬したが,エクター卿の槍は折れていなかった。良かったね,じゃないんです。この意味が分かったのは,久々に映画『ロック・ユー!』を観た時でした。この中で主人公のライバルであるアダマー卿が馬上槍試合のルールを説明していますが,槍で相手の体のどこかを突いて槍を折れば得点になるのです。つまり槍を折ったというのは得点を稼いだということなんですね。エクター卿はランスロット卿に突かれて落馬してしまったが,エクター卿は槍を折ることができなかった,つまり槍をランスロット卿に当てることができなかったのです。


“By my faith,” cried Sir Ewaine, “yonder is a strong knight, and must have slain Sir Key, and taken his armour! By his strength, I see it will be hard to match him.” So saying he rode towards Sir Lancelot, who met him halfway and struck him so fiercely, that at one blow he overthrew him also.

「きっと」ユーウェイン卿は叫んだ。「あれは強い騎士だ。きっとケイ卿を殺って鎧を奪ったんだ! 彼の強さからして彼には敵わないかも知れん」 そう言って彼はランスロット卿めがけて駆けたが,彼はその途中で迎え撃ち彼を余りに激しく打ったので彼も一撃で倒された。


“Now,” said Sir Gawain, “will I encounter him.” So he took a good spear in his hand, and guarded himself with his shield. And he and Sir Lancelot rode against each other, with their horses at full speed, and furiously smote each other on the middle of their shields; but Sir Gawain’s spear broke short asunder, and Sir Lancelot charged so mightily upon him, that his horse and he both fell, and rolled upon the ground.

「では」ガウェイン卿が言った。「俺が行くとしよう」 そう言って彼は名槍を手に取り,盾で身を護った。そして彼とランスロット卿は互いを目指して全速で馬を駆け,烈火の如く互いの盾の真ん中を突き合った。しかしガウェイン卿の槍が真っ二つに折れ,ランスロット卿は余りに力強く彼を攻撃したので馬も彼も倒れ地面に転がった。


“Ah,” said Sir Lancelot, smiling, as he rode away from the four knights, “heaven give joy to him who made this spear, for never held I better in my hand.”

But the four knights said to each other, “Truly one spear hath felled us all.”

I dare lay my life,” said Sir Gawain, “it is Sir Lancelot. I know him by his riding.”

So they all departed for the court.


しかし4人の騎士は互いに言い合った。「俺達槍一本で負けたぞ」 「賭けてもいい」とガウェイン卿が言った。「あれはランスロット卿だ。馬のこなしで分かる」


lay には「賭ける」の意味があるようです。「命を賭けていい,あれはランスロットだ」というわけですね。



And as Sir Lancelot rode still in the forest, he saw a black bloodhound, running with its head towards the ground, as if it tracked a deer. And following after it, he came to a great pool of blood. But the hound, ever and anon looking behind, ran through a great marsh, and over a bridge, towards an old manor house. So Sir Lancelot followed, and went into the hall, and saw a dead knight lying there, whose wounds the hound licked. And a lady stood behind him, weeping and wringing her hands, who cried, “O knight! too great is the sorrow which thou hast brought me!”

“Why say ye so?” replied Sir Lancelot; “for I never harmed this knight, and am full sorely grieved to see thy sorrow.”


・anon 単体は「そのうち」という意味ですが,ever and anon は「時々((every) now and again)」です。


“Nay, sir,” said the lady, “I see it is not thou hast slain my husband, for he that truly did that deed is deeply wounded, and shall never more recover.”

“What is thy husband’s name?” said Sir Lancelot.

“His name,” she answered, “was Sir Gilbert — one of the best knights in all the world; but I know not his name who hath slain him.”

“God send thee comfort,” said Sir Lancelot, and departed again into the forest.






And as he rode, he met with a damsel who knew him, who cried out, “Well found, my lord! I pray ye of your knighthood help my brother, who is sore wounded and ceases not to bleed, for he fought this day with Sir Gilbert, and slew him, but was himself well nigh slain. And there is a sorceress, who dwelleth in a castle hard by, and she this day hath told me that my brother’s wound shall never be made whole until I find a knight to go into the Chapel Perilous, and bring from thence a sword and the bloody cloth in which the wounded knight was wrapped.”



“This is a marvellous thing!” said Sir Lancelot; “but what is your brother’s name?”

“His name, sir,” she replied, “is Sir Meliot de Logres.”

“He is a Fellow of the Round Table,” said Sir Lancelot, “and truly will I do my best to help him.”

“Then, sir,” said she, “follow this way, and it will bring ye to the Chapel Perilous. I will abide here till God send ye hither again; for if ye speed not, there is no living knight who may achieve that adventure.”





・以前も出てきましたが,speed は古くは「成功する,上手くいく」の意味がありました。「ランスロット卿に出来なければ,他の誰が出来ましょうか」と言いたいわけです。「もし貴方が急がなければ」のような誤訳に注意しましょう。

Sir Meliot de Logres については以下の記事に載っていました。








