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“His name,” said Turquine, “is Sir Lancelot of the Lake; and he slew my brother Sir Carados, at the dolorous tower; wherefore, if ever I shall meet with him, one of us two shall slay the other; and thereto I have sworn by a great oath. And to discover and destroy him I have slain a hundred knights, and crippled utterly as many more, and many have died in my prisons; and now, as I have told thee, I have many more therein, who all shall be delivered, if thou tell me thy name, and it be not Sir Lancelot.”



“Well,” said Lancelot, “I am that knight, son of King Ban of Benwick, and Knight of the Round Table; so now I defy thee to do thy best!”

“Aha!” said Turquine, with a shout, “is it then so at last! Thou art more welcome to my sword than ever knight or lady was to feast, for never shall we part till one of us be dead.”


「はっは」タークィンは叫びながら言った。「やはりそうであったか! お前はどんな騎士や女より我が剣がもてなすのに相応しい相手だ。どちらかが死ぬまで辞めんぞ」


Then did they hurtle together like two wild bulls, slashing and lashing with their shields and swords, and sometimes falling both on to the ground. For two more hours they fought so, and at the last Sir Turquine grew very faint, and gave a little back, and bare his shield full low for weariness. When Sir Lancelot saw him thus, he leaped upon him fiercely as a lion, and took him by the crest of his helmet, and dragged him to his knees; and then he tore his helmet off and smote his neck asunder.


lash は「まつ毛(eyelash)」と「鞭(打つ)」の意があります。共通項は〈しなやかなさま〉ですね。

take [catch, grab] 人 by the 部位「人の部位を掴む」は重要表現です。


Then he arose, and went to the damsel who had brought him to Sir Turquine, and said, “I am ready, fair lady, to go with thee upon thy service, but I have no horse.”

“Fair sir,” said she, “take ye this horse of the wounded knight whom Turquine but just now was carrying to his prisons, and send that knight on to deliver all the prisoners.”

So Sir Lancelot went to the knight and prayed him for the loan of his horse.

“Fair lord,” said he, “ye are right welcome, for to-day ye have saved both me and my horse; and I see that ye are the best knight in all the world, for in my sight have ye slain the mightiest man and the best knight, except thyself, I ever saw.”





“Sir,” said Sir Lancelot, “I thank thee well; and now go into yonder castle, where thou shall find many noble knights of the Round Table, for I have seen their shields hung on the trees around. On yonder tree alone there are Sir Key’s, Sir Brandel’s, Sir Marhaus’, Sir Galind’s, and Sir Aliduke’s, and many more; and also my two kinsmen’s shields, Sir Ector de Maris’ and Sir Lionel’s. And I pray you greet them all from me, Sir Lancelot of the Lake, and tell them that I bid them help themselves to any treasures they can find within the castle; and that I pray my brethren, Lionel and Ector, to go to King Arthur’s court and stay there till I come. And by the high feast at Pentecost I must be there; but now I must ride forth with this damsel to fulfil my promise.”




So, as they went, the damsel told him, “Sir, we are now near the place where the foul knight haunteth, who robbeth and distresseth all ladies and gentlewomen travelling past this way, against whom I have sought thy aid.” Then they arranged that she should ride on foremost, and Sir Lancelot should follow under cover of the trees by the roadside, and if he saw her come to any mishap, he should ride forth and deal with him that troubled her. And as the damsel rode on at a soft ambling pace, a knight and page burst forth from the roadside and forced the damsel from her horse, till she cried out for help.

それで移動中に少女が彼に言った。「騎士様,そろそろ邪な騎士が現れ,そこを通る女性や貴婦人に強盗を働き,苦しめる場所に着きます。彼の退治を貴方にお願いしたいのです」 それでこう手筈を整えた。彼女が先に行く。ランスロット卿は道の脇の木々に潜伏してついて行く。それで彼女が災難に見舞われたら,彼が馬で進み出て彼女を苦しめる彼を懲らしめる,と。それで少女がゆっくりしたペースで進むと,騎士と小姓が道路脇から飛び出して来て彼女を馬から無理やり下ろし,遂に彼女は救けを求め叫んだ。

travelling が,l を重ねるイギリス英語の綴りになっていますね。


Then came Sir Lancelot rushing through the wood as fast as he might fly, and all the branches of the trees crackled and waved around him. “O thou false knight and traitor to all knighthood!” shouted he, “who taught thee to distress fair ladies thus?”

The foul knight answered nothing, but drew out his sword and rode at Sir Lancelot, who threw his spear away and drew his own sword likewise, and struck him such a mighty blow as clave his head down to the throat. “Now hast thou the wages thou long hast earned!” said he; and so departed from the damsel.



wages は初め「賃金」と直訳していたのですが文脈的には「報い」ですよね。それで気になって『ジーニアス英和辞典』を引くと,はっきりと「報酬,報い」という訳語が掲載されていました。辞書は面倒くさがらず引くべきですね。


Then for two days he rode in a great forest, and had but scanty food and lodging, and on the third day he rode over a long bridge, when suddenly there started up a passing foul churl, and smote his horse across the nose, so that he started and turned back, rearing with pain. “Why ridest thou over here without my leave?” said he.

“Why should I not?” said Sir Lancelot; “there is no other way to ride.”

“Thou shalt not pass by here,” cried out the churl, and dashed at him with a great club full of iron spikes, till Sir Lancelot was fain to draw his sword and smite him dead upon the earth.

At the end of the bridge was a fair village, and all the people came and cried, “Ah, sir! a worse deed for thyself thou never didst, for thou hast slain the chief porter of the castle yonder!” But he let them talk as they pleased, and rode straight forward to the castle.




橋の終わりには美しい村があり,村民が皆やって来て叫んだ。「おお騎士様! 今までで最悪のことをしてしまいましたぞ。貴方様はあの城の運搬人の長を殺してしまったのです!」 しかし彼は彼らに好きに喋らせたまま,真っ直ぐに城へ駆けた。


There he alighted, and tied his horse to a ring in the wall; and going in, he saw a wide green court, and thought it seemed a noble place to fight in. And as he looked about, he saw many people watching him from doors and windows, making signs of warning, and saying, “Fair knight, thou art unhappy.” In the next moment came upon him two great giants, well armed save their heads, and with two horrible clubs in their hands. Then he put his shield before him, and with it warded off one giant’s stroke, and clove the other with his sword from the head downward to the chest. When the first giant saw that, he ran away mad with fear; but Sir Lancelot ran after him, and smote him through the shoulder, and shore him down his back, so that he fell dead.



Then he walked onward to the castle hall, and saw a band of sixty ladies and young damsels coming forth, who knelt to him, and thanked him for their freedom. “For, sir,” said they, “the most of us have been prisoners here these seven years; and have been kept at all manner of work to earn our meat, though we be all great gentlewomen born. Blessed be the time that thou wast born, for never did a knight a deed of greater worship than thou hast this day, and thereto will we all bear witness in all times and places! Tell us, therefore, noble knight, thy name and court, that we may tell them to our friends!” And when they heard it, they all cried aloud, “Well may it be so, for we knew that no knight save thou shouldst ever overcome those giants; and many a long day have we sighed for thee; for the giants feared no other name among all knights but thine.”

それから彼は城の広間の方へ歩くと,60人の女性と少女の一団が進み出て来て,彼に跪き,解放されたことを彼に感謝した。「といいますのも」彼女達は言った。「私達のほとんどはここ7年間もここに囚われていました。そして食事するにもあらゆる種類の労役をさせられていました。私達は皆貴族の出身なのにです。貴方が生まれた時代に感謝します。貴方が今日なされた行為より尊敬に値する行為をなされた騎士はいません。あらゆる時代と場所で,私達はその証人となるでしょう。だから教えて下さい騎士様,貴方の名前と宮廷を。それを友人達に教えられるように!」 そしてそれを教えてもらうと,彼女達は皆叫び声を上げた。「やはりそうでありましたか。貴方以外のどんな騎士も,あの巨人を倒せるはずがありませんもの。私達は何日もの間,ため息をつきながら貴方を待っていたのです。あの巨人達は全ての騎士達の中で貴方の名前だけを恐れていたのです」



Then he told them to take the treasures of the castle as a reward for their grievances, and to return to their homes, and so rode away into many strange and wild countries. And at last, after many days, by chance he came, near the night time, to a fair mansion, wherein he found an old gentlewoman, who gave him and his horse good cheer. And when bed time was come, his host brought him to a chamber over a gate, and there he unarmed, and went to bed and fell asleep.

But soon thereafter came one riding in great haste, and knocking vehemently at the gate below, which when Sir Lancelot heard, he rose and looked out of the window, and, by the moonlight, saw three knights come riding fiercely after one man, and lashing on him all at once with their swords, while the one knight nobly fought all.



・「もてなす主人」のことを男なら host,女なら hostess と言いますが,ここでは老貴婦人であるにもかかわらず host と言っていますね。


Then Sir Lancelot quickly armed himself, and getting through the window, let himself down by a sheet into the midst of them, crying out, “Turn ye on me, ye cowards, and leave fighting with that knight!” Then they all left Sir Key, for the first knight was he, and began to fall upon Sir Lancelot furiously. And when Sir Key would have come forward to assist him, Sir Lancelot refused, and cried, “Leave me alone to deal with them.” And presently, with six great strokes, he felled them all.

Then they cried out, “Sir knight, we yield us unto thee, as to a man of might!”




“I will not take your yielding!” said he; “yield ye to Sir Key, the seneschal, or I will have your lives.”

“Fair knight,” said they, “excuse us in that thing, for we have chased Sir Key thus far, and should have overcome him but for thee.”

“Well,” said Sir Lancelot, “do as ye will, for ye may live or die; but, if ye live, ye shall be holden to Sir Key.”

Then they yielded to him; and Sir Lancelot commanded them to go unto King Arthur’s court at the next Pentecost, and say, Sir Key had sent them prisoners to Queen Guinevere. And this they sware to do upon their swords.






Then Sir Lancelot knocked at the gate with his sword-hilt till his hostess came and let him in again, and Sir Key also. And when the light came, Sir Key knew Sir Lancelot, and knelt and thanked him for his courtesy, and gentleness, and kindness. “Sir,” said he, “I have done no more than what I ought to do, and ye are welcome; therefore let us now take rest.”








