“I know him well,” replied Sir Lancelot, “for a noble king and a good knight; and by the faith of my body I will do him all the service I am able on that day.”
“Grammercy to thee, Sir knight,” said the damsel.
“To-morrow, when thou art delivered from this place, ride ten miles hence unto an abbey of white monks, and there abide until I bring my father to thee.”
“So be it,” said Sir Lancelot, “as I am a true knight.”
So she departed, and on the morrow, early, came again, and let him out of twelve gates, differently locked, and brought him to his armour; and when he was all armed, she brought him his horse also, and lightly he saddled him, and took a great spear in his hand, and mounted and rode forth, saying, as he went, “Fair damsel, I shall not fail thee, by the grace of God.”
And all that day he rode in a great forest, and could find no highway, and spent the night in the wood; but the next morning found his road, and came to the abbey of white monks. And there he saw King Bagdemagus and his daughter waiting for him. So when they were together in a chamber, Sir Lancelot told the king how he had been betrayed by an enchantment, and how his brother Lionel was gone he knew not where, and how the damsel had delivered him from the castle of Queen Morgan le Fay. “Wherefore while I live,” said he, “I shall do service to herself and all her kindred.”
そう言って彼女は去り,翌朝早く再びやって来て,彼を異なった鍵がかけられた12もの門を抜けて連れ出し,彼の武具のある所へ連れて行った。そして彼が完全に武装すると,彼に馬も連れて来て,彼は軽やかに乗馬し,大きな槍を手に持って,馬を進めながら言った。「お嬢さん,期待は裏切りません。神の恩寵にかけて」 そして1日中大きな森を駆け,大きな道を見つけることもなく,森の中で夜を過ごした。しかし翌朝道を見つけ,善の修道士達の寺院に辿り着いた。するとそこにバグデマグス王と娘が彼を待っていた。それで一室の中で会合すると,ランスロット卿は王に,魔法で罠に嵌められたこと,従兄弟のライオネルが分からない所へ行っていること,その娘がモーガン・ル・フェイの城から自分を助け出したことを語った。「お蔭様で命拾いしました」と彼は言った。「彼女と彼女のご親族の為に尽くす所存です」
“Then am I sure of thy aid,” said the king, “on Tuesday now next coming?”
“Yea, sir, I shall not fail thee,” said Sir Lancelot; “but what knights were they who last week defeated thee, and took part with the King of Northgales?”
“Sir Mador de la Port, Sir Modred, and Sir Gahalatine,” replied the king.
“Sir,” said Sir Lancelot, “as I understand, the tournament shall take place but three miles from this abbey; send then to me here, three knights of thine, the best thou hast, and let them all have plain white shields, such as I also will; then will we four come suddenly into the midst between both parties, and fall upon thy enemies, and grieve them all we can, and none will know us who we are.”
・Modred って,あのモルドレッド(モードレッド)なんですかね……
・grieve は「悲しませる,悲しむ」ですから初め「悲しませてやります」と訳していましたが,Wiktionary で grieve を引くとかつては harm「害する」の意味もあったようです。そこで「やっつける」としておきました。
So, on the Tuesday, Sir Lancelot and the three knights lodged themselves in a small grove hard by the lists. Then came into the field the King of Northgales, with one hundred and sixty helms, and the three knights of King Arthur’s court, who stood apart by themselves. And when King Bagdemagus had arrived, with eighty helms, both companies set all their spears in rest and came together with a mighty clash, wherein were slain twelve knights of King Bagdemagus, and six of the King of Northgales; and the party of King Bagdemagus was driven back.
With that, came Sir Lancelot, and thrust into the thicket of the press, and smote down with one spear five knights, and brake the back of four, and cast down the King of Northgales and brake his thigh by the fall. When the three knights of Arthur’s court saw this, they rode at Sir Lancelot, and each after other attacked him; but he overthrew them all, and smote them nigh to death. Then taking a new spear, he bore down to the ground sixteen more knights, and hurt them all so sorely, that they could carry arms no more that day. And when his spear at length was broken, he took yet another, and smote down twelve knights more, the most of whom he wounded mortally, till in the end the party of the King of Northgales would joust no more, and the victory was cried to King Bagdemagus.
・each after other という表現が勉強になりますね。「それぞれがそれぞれの後に続いて」といった感じで訳しにくいですが,簡単に言えば「順番に」ですね。
Then Sir Lancelot rode forth with King Bagdemagus to his castle, and there he feasted with great cheer and welcome, and received many royal gifts. And on the morrow he took leave and went to find his brother Lionel.
Anon, by chance, he came to the same forest where the four queens had found him sleeping, and there he met a damsel riding on a white palfrey. When they had saluted each other, Sir Lancelot said, “Fair damsel, knowest thou where any adventures may be had in this country?”
“Sir knight,” said she, “there are adventures great enough close by if thou darest prove them.”
それでランスロット卿はバグデマグス王と共に彼の城へ行き,そこで宴会を開いてランスロット卿は大いに盛り上がり,歓待され,多くの王からの贈り物を賜った。そして翌朝彼は暇乞いをし,従兄弟のライオネルを探しに出かけた。間もなくたまたま彼は,4人の女王が自分が眠っているのを発見したのと同じ森に差し掛かり,1人の少女が白い乗用馬に乗っているのを見かけた。互いに挨拶すると,ランスロット卿は言った。「お嬢さん,この国のどこかで何か珍しい事が起こっていませんか?」 「騎士様」彼女は答えた。「確かめる勇気がおありなら,すぐ近くで大きな出来事がありますよ」
“Why should I not,” said he, “since for that cause I came here?”
“Sir,” said the damsel, “hard by this place there dwelleth a knight that cannot be defeated by any man, so great and perilously strong he is. His name is Sir Turquine, and in the prisons of his castle lie three score knights and four, mostly from King Arthur’s court, whom he hath taken with his own hands. But promise me, ere thou undertakest their deliverance, to go and help me afterwards, and free me and many other ladies that are distressed by a false knight.” “Bring me but to this felon Turquine,” quoth Sir Lancelot, “and I will afterwards fulfil all your wishes.”
「騎士様」少女は言った。「ここの近くに誰にも負けたことのない騎士が住んでいます。大きくて,危険なくらい強いです。彼の名はタークィン卿です。彼の城の牢獄には64人の騎士が入れられています。殆どがアーサー王の宮廷の騎士で,彼自身が牢に入れているのです。ただ彼らを救けに行く前に約束して下さい。その後でいいので私を救けて下さい。私と他の多くの女性を解放して下さい。ある偽騎士によって苦しめられているのです」 「その犯罪人タークィンの所へ連れて行ってくれ」とランスロット卿は言った。「そうすれば後で貴方の望みは全て叶えよう」
・score は「20」です。decade「10年」という語がありますが,score は「20年」ではなく「20」です。
・deliverance は勉強になりました。deliver は「配達する」の他に「救出する」という意味があるのですが,「配達する」の名詞形は delivery(デリバリー)ですね。「救出する」の場合の名詞形は deliverance なのです。オープンワールドRPG「キングダムカム・デリバランス」の「デリバランス」ですね。
So the damsel went before, and brought him to a ford, and a tree whereon a great brass basin hung; and Sir Lancelot beat with his spear-end upon the basin, long and hard, until he beat the bottom of it out, but he saw nothing. Then he rode to and fro before the castle gates for well-nigh half an hour, and anon saw a great knight riding from the distance, driving a horse before him, across which hung an armed man bound. And when they came near, Sir Lancelot knew the prisoner for a knight of the Round Table. By that time, the great knight who drove the prisoner saw Sir Lancelot, and each of them began to settle his spear, and to make ready.
“Fair sir,” then said Sir Lancelot, “put off that wounded knight, I pray thee, from his horse, and let him rest while thou and I shall prove our strength upon each other; for, as I am told, thou doest, and hast done, great shame and injury to knights of the Round Table. Wherefore, I warn thee now, defend thyself.”
“If thou mayest be of the Round Table,” answered Turquine, “I defy thee, and all thy fellows.”
“That is saying overmuch,” said Sir Lancelot.
Then, setting their lances in rest, they spurred their horses towards each other, as fast as they could go, and smote so fearfully upon each other’s shields, that both their horses’ backs brake under them. As soon as they could clear their saddles, they took their shields before them, and drew their swords, and came together eagerly, and fought with great and grievous strokes; and soon they both had many grim and fearful wounds, and bled in streams. Thus they fought two hours and more, thrusting and smiting at each other, wherever they could hit.
Anon, they both were breathless, and stood leaning on their swords.
“Now, comrade,” said Sir Turquine, “let us wait awhile, and answer me what I shall ask thee.”
“Say on,” said Lancelot.
“Thou art,” said Turquine, “the best man I ever met, and seemest like one that I hate above all other knights that live; but if thou be not he, I will make peace with thee, and for sake of thy great valour, will deliver all the three score prisoners and four who lie within my dungeons, and thou and I will be companions evermore. Tell me, then, thy name.”
“Thou sayest well,” replied Sir Lancelot; “but who is he thou hatest so above all others?”