The Marriage of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, and the Founding of the Round Table — The Adventure of the Hart and Hound
It befell upon a certain day, that King Arthur said to Merlin, “My lords and knights do daily pray me now to take a wife; but I will have none without thy counsel, for thou hast ever helped me since I came first to this crown.”
“It is well,” said Merlin, “that thou shouldst take a wife, for no man of bounteous and noble nature should live without one; but is there any lady whom thou lovest better than another?”
・It is well that... の well は形容詞で「結構なことで」という意味です。他に形容詞 well には「健康で,気分がすぐれて」の意味があります(反意は unwell)
“Yea,” said King Arthur, “I love Guinevere, the daughter of King Leodegrance, of Camelgard, who also holdeth in his house the Round Table that he had from my father Uther; and as I think, that damsel is the gentlest and the fairest lady living.”
“Sir,” answered Merlin, “as for her beauty, she is one of the fairest that do live; but if ye had not loved her as ye do, I would fain have had ye choose some other who was both fair and good. But where a man’s heart is set, he will be loath to leave.” This Merlin said, knowing the misery that should hereafter happen from this marriage.
「王様」マーリンは答えた。「美しさに関しては,彼女はこの世で最も美しい女性のひとりでしょう。でももし王様が彼女を今のように愛さなかったならば,王様には誰か他の,美しくて気立てのよい女性を選んで欲しかったものです。しかし一旦その気になれば,その考えを捨てがたいものですね」 このようにマーリンは言った。この後,この結婚を原因に起こる不幸を知っていてのことだ。
・キャメルガードは英語版 Wikipedia だと Cameliard,Camelide と表記されています。伝説的にはウェールズに,歴史的にはコーンウォールにあったと説明されています。円卓に関してはユーサーからレオデグランスに譲られ,そしてアーサーに譲られたということでしょうかね。
Then King Arthur sent word to King Leodegrance that he mightily desired to wed his daughter, and how that he had loved her since he saw her first, when with Kings Ban and Bors he rescued Leodegrance from King Ryence of North Wales.
When King Leodegrance heard the message, he cried out “These be the best tidings I have heard in all my life — so great and worshipful a prince to seek my daughter for his wife! I would fain give him half my lands with her straightway, but that he needeth none — and better will it please him that I send him the Round Table of King Uther, his father, with a hundred good knights towards the furnishing of it with guests, for he will soon find means to gather more, and make the table full.”
Then King Leodegrance delivered his daughter Guinevere to the messengers of King Arthur, and also the Round Table with the hundred knights.
レオデグランス王は使者の話を聞くと,「生まれてこの方,聞いてきた中で最高の知らせだ。あれほど立派で崇敬に値する王が私の娘を妻に欲しているとは! 今にでも国の半分を付けて娘を差し出したいところだが,土地を望まないのであれば,彼の父,ユーサー王が持っていた円卓に,賓客を付けるという意味で百もの優れた騎士を付けて彼に送った方が喜んでくれそうだ。そうすれば彼はもっと多くの騎士を手に入れて,円卓を満席にするだろう」
・such a great prince を so great a prince と言う語順があります。なおここで prince は「王子」ではなく「王,君主,公・大公,公爵」です。以下ウィキペディア「プリンス・オブ・ウェールズ」からの引用です。
・towards the furnishing of it with guests の解釈には苦労し,完全には自信がありません。まず動詞の機能を持つ furnishing が最重要です。furnish には「(家具を)備え付ける」の意味があり,「円卓」というテーブルの話をしているから「円卓を備え付ける」的な話かと思いました。しかし問題は of it with guests です。(1) of it は furnish の目的語を示しており,“furnish it”=“furnish Round Table” の意味です。これは間違いないでしょう。(2) with guests の with は furnish と連語関係にあると推測されます。furnish を辞書を引くと furnish A with B で「AにBを供給する(provide A with B=supply A with B)」とあります。簡単に言えば「AにBを与える」ですね。今回 A は「円卓 (it)」,B は「ゲスト」です。 ここからは意味理解が重要で,table というのは物体としてのテーブルという意味と,テーブルで行われる「食事」や「宴会」という意味があります。例えば at table は「食事中で・に」という意味です。ドデカいと思われる円卓だけ送っても,人がいなければ寂しい。そこで円卓に華を添える意味でも円卓の「客」である騎士も付けよう,と考えたのだろうと考えました。
So they rode royally and freshly, sometimes by water and sometimes by land, towards Camelot. And as they rode along in the spring weather, they made full many sports and pastimes. And, in all those sports and games, a young knight lately come to Arthur’s court, Sir Lancelot by name, was passing strong, and won praise from all, being full of grace and hardihood; and Guinevere also ever looked on him with joy. And always in the eventide, when the tents were set beside some stream or forest, many minstrels came and sang before the knights and ladies as they sat in the tent-doors, and many knights would tell adventures; and still Sir Lancelot was foremost, and told the knightliest tales, and sang the goodliest songs, of all the company.
・knightliest とは面白いですね。knight+ly で「騎士らしい」という形容詞が生まれ,その最上級です。
And when they came to Camelot, King Arthur made great joy, and all the city with him; and riding forth with a great retinue he met Guinevere and her company, and led her through the streets all filled with people, and in the midst of all their shoutings and the ringing of church bells, to a palace hard by his own.
Then, in all haste, the king commanded to prepare the marriage and the coronation with the stateliest and most honourable pomp that could be made. And when the day was come, the archbishops led the king to the cathedral, whereto he walked, clad in his royal robes, and having four kings, bearing four golden swords, before him; a choir of passing sweet music going also with him.
・pomp /米pɑmp, 英pɔmp/ は「華麗さ」です。液体をくみ上げる「ポンプ」は pump /pʌmp/ です。pomp は「got 型母音発音」,pump は「cut 型母音発音」です。
In another part, was the queen dressed in her richest ornaments, and led by archbishops and bishops to the Chapel of the Virgins, the four queens also of the four kings last mentioned walked before her, bearing four white doves, according to ancient custom; and after her there followed many damsels, singing and making every sign of joy.
・according to... は「(天気予報など)によると」が有名ですが,ここでは「(慣習など)に従って」です。「古の慣習によると,そういうことだった」と理解することもできますが。
And when the two processions were come to the churches, so wondrous was the music and the singing, that all the knights and barons who were there pressed on each other, as in the crowd of battle, to hear and see the most they might.
・press on には「押しつける,押しのける」といった意味があり,pressed on each other は「(互いに)押し合いになった」ということでしょう。
When the king was crowned, he called together all the knights that came with the Round Table from Camelgard, and twenty-eight others, great and valiant men, chosen by Merlin out of all the realm, towards making up the full number of the table. Then the Archbishop of Canterbury blessed the seats of all the knights, and when they rose again therefrom to pay their homage to King Arthur there was found upon the back of each knight’s seat his name, written in letters of gold. But upon one seat was found written, “This is the Siege Perilous, wherein if any man shall sit save him whom Heaven hath chosen, he shall be devoured by fire.”
・make up には「化粧する」など様々な意味がありますが,「構成する」の意味もあります。受け身も重要で be made up of... は「……から構成されている(consist of...)」です。
The USA consists of 50 states.
=The USA is made up of 50 states.
・MMOロールプレイングゲーム「ウルティマオンライン」の1つのワールド名であったシージ・ペリラス(俗称シゲP)が登場して興奮しています笑 siege とはここでは「包囲」ではなく,「座席(seat)」を意味する古語で,Siege Perilous とはマーリンの為に取っておかれた特別な座席のことです。
Anon came young Gawain, the king’s nephew, praying to be made a knight, whom the king knighted then and there. Soon after came a poor man, leading with him a tall fair lad of eighteen years of age, riding on a lean mare. And falling at the king’s feet, the poor man said, “Lord, it was told me, that at this time of thy marriage thou wouldst give to any man the gift he asked for, so it were not unreasonable.”
“That is the truth,” replied King Arthur, “and I will make it good.”
“Thou sayest graciously and nobly,” said the poor man. “Lord, I ask nothing else but that thou wilt make my son here a knight.”
“It is a great thing that thou askest,” said the king. “What is thy name?”
“Aries, the cowherd,” answered he.
“Cometh this prayer from thee or from thy son?” inquired King Arthur.
・Cometh this prayer from thee or from thy son の読解で決定的に重要なのは,pray「祈る」からできた prayer が「祈る人,祈願者」という意味ではないということです。どうしても Cometh (=Comes) があるので prayer が人間に思えてしまいますが,prayer には「祈り(の言葉),祈願」の意味もあるのです。そして一層面白いことに,
prayer が「祈る人」なら「プレイア(プレイヤー)」/pleɪə/,
prayer が「祈り(の言葉)」なら「プレア」/preə/
“Nay, lord, not from myself,” said he, “but from him only, for I have thirteen other sons, and all of them will fall to any labour that I put them to. But this one will do no such work for anything that I or my wife may do, but is for ever shooting or fighting, and running to see knights and joustings, and torments me both night and day that he be made a knight.”
・torment は「苦しめる;苦痛・苦悩」で,名詞なら tor,動詞なら ment に強勢があります(名前動後という)
“What is thy name?” said the king to the young man.
“My name is Tor,” said he.
Then the king, looking at him steadfastly, was well pleased with his face and figure, and with his look of nobleness and strength.
“Fetch all thy other sons before me,” said the king to Aries. But when he brought them, none of them resembled Tor in size or shape or feature.
Then the king knighted Tor, saying, “Be thou to thy life’s end a good knight and a true, as I pray God thou mayest be; and if thou provest worthy, and of prowess, one day thou shall be counted in the Round Table.” Then turning to Merlin, Arthur said, “Prophesy now, O Merlin, shall Sir Tor become a worthy knight, or not?”
“Yea, lord,” said Merlin, “so he ought to be, for he is the son of that King Pellinore whom thou hast met, and proved to be one of the best knights living. He is no cowherd’s son.”
Presently after came in King Pellinore, and when he saw Sir Tor he knew him for his son, and was more pleased than words can tell to find him knighted by the king. And Pellinore did homage to King Arthur, and was gladly and graciously accepted of the king; and then was led by Merlin to a high seat at the Table Round, near to the Perilous Seat.
・the Siege Perilous が the Perilous Seat とパラフレーズされていますね。
But Sir Gawain was full of anger at the honour done King Pellinore, and said to his brother Gaheris, “He slew our father, King Lot, therefore will I slay him.”
“Do it not yet,” said he; “wait till I also be a knight, then will I help ye in it: it is best ye suffer him to go at this time, and not trouble this high feast with bloodshed.”
“As ye will, be it,” said Sir Gawain.