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Anon, while Arthur closely watched the city, came news that full six hundred ships had landed countless swarms of Saxons, under Cheldric, on the eastern coast. At that he raised the siege, and marched straight to London, and there increased his army, and took counsel with his barons how to drive the Saxons from the land for evermore.






Then with his nephew, Hoel, King of the Armorican Britons, who came with a great force to help him, King Arthur, with a mighty multitude of barons, knights, and fighting men, went swiftly up to Lincoln, which the Saxons lay besieging. And there he fought a passing fierce battle, and made grievous slaughter, killing above six thousand men, till the main body of them turned and fled. But he pursued them hotly into the wood of Celidon, where, sheltering themselves among the trees from his arrows, they made a stand, and for a long season bravely defended themselves.


ホエル王ホエル卿)については以下の記事に「アーサーの親族(A relative of Arthur)」とあります。5世紀末から6世紀初の人とありますから,アーサー王物語はこの時代なのでしょうか。







Anon, he ordered all the trees in that part of the forest to be cut down, leaving no shelter or ambush; and with their trunks and branches made a mighty barricade, which shut them in and hindered their escape. After three days, brought nigh to death by famine, they offered to give up their wealth of gold and silver spoils, and to depart forthwith in their empty ships; moreover, to pay tribute to King Arthur when they reached their home, and to leave him hostages till all was paid.




This offer, therefore, he accepted, and suffered them to depart. But when they had been a few hours at sea, they repented of their shameful flight, and turned their ships back again, and landing at Totnes, ravaged all the land as far as the Severn, and, burning and slaying on all sides, bent their steps towards Bath.




the Severn は the が付いておりセヴァーン川です。コーンウォール半島からセヴァーン川までと言うとかなり広いですね。セヴァーン川はイギリス最長の川(354km),2位がテムズ川(346km)らしいです。セヴァーン川は私もはまりまくった『アサシンクリード・ヴァルハラ』にも登場しますよ。





When King Arthur heard of their treachery and their return, he burned with anger till his eyes shone like two torches, and then he swore a mighty oath to rest no more until he had utterly destroyed those enemies of God and man, and had rooted them for ever out of the land of Britain. Then marching hotly with his armies on to Bath, he cried aloud to them, “Since these detestable impious heathens disdain to keep their faith with me, to keep faith with God, to whom I sware to cherish and defend this realm, will now this day avenge on them the blood of all that they have slain in Britain!”


・root は「根」ですが root+out で「根こそぎにする,根絶する」という意味になります。eradicate とも言います(“radi”=“root”,“e”=“ex”)


impious「信心のない」を覚えるには,pious「敬虔な」を知っていることが必須です。「パイアス」のような発音です。名詞は piety「敬虔さ,信心深さ」です。「パイアティ」のような発音です。教皇ピウス12世(在位1939-1958)のような「ピウス(Pius)」も,pious という意味の名前です。


In like manner after him spoke the archbishop, standing upon a hill, and crying that to-day they should fight both for their country and for Paradise, “For whoso,” he said, “shall in this holy war be slain, the angels shall forthwith receive him; for death in this cause shall be penance and absolution for all sins.”

At these words every man in the whole army raged with hatred, and pressed eagerly to rush upon those savages.



like には「似たような」という形容詞があります。like manner は「似たようなやり方」です。今回は「大司教が喋った」とありますから「同様の口調」と訳します。

whoso は以前も書きましたが whoever です。whoever は主格の関係代名詞になれる(=動詞が続けられる)ので,For whoso shall be slain は「殺される誰にとっても」です。


Anon King Arthur, dressed in armour shining with gold and jewels, and wearing on his head a helmet with a golden dragon, took a shield painted with the likeness of the blessed Mary. Then girding on Excalibur and taking in his right hand his great lance Ron, he placed his men in order and led them out against the enemy, who stood for battle on the slope of Badon Hill, ranged in the form of a wedge, as their custom was. And they, resisting all the onslaughts of King Arthur and his host, made that day a stout defence, and at night lay down upon the hill.


likeness は「似ていること」ですが,はっきりと「肖像」の意味があります。


Badon Hill についてはブリトン人(ローマ化したケルト人)がアングロ・サクソン人を打ち破った「ベイドン山の戦い」というものがあり,ブリトン人をアーサー王が率いていたと言われるようになったらしいです。「楔形の陣形」とは「<」のような形で,多分「鶴翼の陣」のように開いた方ではなく,尖った方を敵に向けるものでしょう。


But on the next day Arthur led his army once again to the attack, and with wounds and slaughter such as no man had ever seen before, he drove the heathen step by step before him, backwards and upwards, till he stood with all his noblest knights upon the summit of the hill.



And then men saw him, “red as the rising sun from spur to plume,” lift up his sword, and, kneeling, kiss the cross of it; and after, rising to his feet, set might and main with all his fellowship upon the foe, till, as a troop of lions roaring for their prey, they drove them like a scattered herd along the plains, and cut them down till they could cut no more for weariness.

That day King Arthur by himself alone slew with his sword Excalibur four hundred and seventy heathens. Colgrin also, and his brother Baldulph, were slain.




Then the king bade Cador, Duke of Cornwall, follow Cheldric, the chief leader, and the remnant of his hosts, unto the uttermost. He, therefore, when he had first seized their fleet, and filled it with chosen men, to beat them back when they should fly to it at last, chased them and slew them without mercy so long as he could overtake them. And though they crept with trembling hearts for shelter to the coverts of the woods and dens of mountains, yet even so they found no safety, for Cador slew them, even one by one. Last of all he caught and slew Cheldric himself, and slaughtering a great multitude took hostages for the surrender of the rest.


bid は「賭ける」の他に「命じる」があるわけですが,bid Cador follow Cheldric「キルドリクを追うようカードルに命じる」というように 〈bid 人 原形〉の形を取れます。tell や order なら〈order 人 to-V〉ですよね。

・以前 remainder という単語で「残余」が表され,私はこれを最初 reminder「思い出させるもの(リマインダーと和製英語化している)」と誤読してしまいましたが,今回は remnant という単語で「残余」が表現されています。「ラスト・レムナント」は面白いゲームですが,この「レムナント」は「遺跡・遺物」という意味でしょうね。

unto the uttermost to the utmost「極力」と同じ意味でしょう。


Meanwhile, King Arthur turned from Badon Hill, and freed his nephew Hoel from the Scots and Picts, who besieged him in Alclud. And when he had defeated them in three sore battles, he drove them before him to a lake, which was one of the most wondrous lakes in all the world, for it was fed by sixty rivers, and had sixty islands, and sixty rocks, and on every island sixty eagles’ nests. But King Arthur with a great fleet sailed round the rivers and besieged them in the lake for fifteen days, so that many thousands died of hunger.



Alclud については,ブリトン人のレゲド(Rheged)王国がアングロ・サクソン人のバーニシア(Bernicia)王国に勝った Battle of Alclud Ford というのが Wikipedia 英語版にあります。


Anon the King of Ireland came with an army to relieve them; but Arthur, turning on him fiercely, routed him, and compelled him to retreat in terror to his land. Then he pursued his purpose, which was no less to destroy the race of Picts and Scots, who, beyond memory, had been a ceaseless torment to the Britons by their barbarous malice.



So bitterly, therefore, did he treat them, giving quarter to none, that at length the bishops of that miserable country with the clergy met together, and, bearing all the holy relics, came barefooted to the king to pray his mercy for their people. As soon as they were led before him they fell down upon their knees, and piteously besought him to spare the few survivors of their countrymen, and grant them any corner of the land where they might live in peace. When he thus heard them, and knew that he had now fully punished them, he consented to their prayer, and withdrew his hosts from any further slaughter.


quarter to none が初めガチで分かりませんでした。quarter to nine は「8時45分」ですが……。quarter は「4分の1」ですが「区域」という意味もある(「4分の1」→「東西南北」から来ていそう)ので,giving quarter to none と give の目的語になっていることから「何者にも土地を与えなかった」と推測したのですが,よく辞書を引いてみると(ネットの Weblio を引きました)なんと「慈悲,寛大」という意味が載っていました。give no quarter で「情け容赦しない」という意味だそうです。


Then turned he back to his own realm, and came to York for Christmas, and there with high solemnity observed that holy tide; and being passing grieved to see the ruin of the churches and houses, which the rage or the pagans had destroyed, he rebuilt them, and restored the city to its ancient happy state.


observe には「観察する」の他,「遵守する」「(祝日を)祝う」があるのに注意です。that holy tide とは Christmastide のことでしょう。


And on a certain day, as the king sat with his barons, there came into the court a squire on horseback, carrying a knight before him wounded to the death, and told the king that hard by in the forest was a knight who had reared up a pavilion by the fountain, “and hath slain my master, a valiant knight, whose name was Nirles; wherefore I beseech thee, Lord, my master may be buried, and that some good knight may avenge his death.”



At that stepped forth a squire named Griflet, who was very young, being of the same age with King Arthur, and besought the king, for all the service he had done, to give him knighthood.

“Thou art full young and tender of age,” said King Arthur, “to take so high an order upon thee.”



service には「奉仕,勤務,兵役」の意味があることを忘れないでおきましょう。


“Sir,” said Griflet, “I beseech thee make me a knight;” and Merlin also advising the king to grant his request, “Well,” said Arthur, “be it then so,” and knighted him forthwith. Then said he to him, “Since I have granted thee this favour, thou must in turn grant me a gift.”

“Whatsoever thou wilt, my lord,” replied Sir Griflet.

“Promise me,” said King Arthur, “by the faith of thy body, that when thou hast jousted with this knight at the fountain, thou wilt return to me straightway, unless he slay thee.”

「王様」グリフレットは言った。「私を騎士にしていただけるよう懇願します」 またマーリンも彼の望みを叶えるよう助言したので,「ふむ」とアーサーは言った。「ならばよい」 それで直ちに騎士に任じた。それから王は彼に言った。「君のこの願いを叶えたのだから,お返しに私に何かしてくれるな」



・unless he slays でよいところを,unless he slay と原形になっています。行われていないことなので〈未定〉→〈不定形〉を使ったと考えられます。試しに“unless there be”という言い方はあるのかと,鉤カッコを付けてググってみたところ,多数ヒットしました。


“I promise,” said Sir Griflet; and taking his horse in haste, he dressed his shield, and took a spear in his hand and rode full gallop till he came to the fountain, by the side of which he saw a rich pavilion, and a great horse standing well saddled and bridled, and on a tree close by there hung a shield of many colours and a long lance.



Then Sir Griflet smote upon the shield with the butt of his spear until he cast it to the ground. At that a knight came out of the pavilion and said, “Fair knight, why smote ye down my shield?”

“Because,” said Griflet, “I would joust with thee.”




“It were better not,” replied the knight; “for thou art young and but lately made a knight, and thy strength is small compared to mine.”

“For all that,” said Sir Griflet, “I will joust with ye.”

“I am full loath,” replied the knight; “but if I must I must.”




・If I must, I will「しなければならないのであれば,やろう」はごく普通ですが,If I must, I must「しなければならないのであれば,しなければならない」は面白いですね。








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