But now the archbishop, fully seeing God’s will, called together, by Merlin’s counsel, a band of knights and gentlemen-at-arms, and set them about Arthur to keep him safely till the feast of Pentecost. And when at the feast Arthur still again alone prevailed to move the sword, the people all with one accord cried out, “Long live King Arthur! we will have no more delay, nor any other king, for so it is God’s will; and we will slay whoso resisteth Him and Arthur;” and wherewithal they kneeled down all at once, and cried for Arthur’s grace and pardon that they had so long delayed him from his crown. Then he full sweetly and majestically pardoned them; and taking in his hand the sword, he offered it upon the high altar of the church.
しかしもはや大司教は神の意志を完全に理解したので,マーリンの相談で騎士や戦士の一団を集め,アーサーの周囲に侍らせて聖霊降臨の祝祭まで彼が安全になるようにさせた。そして祝祭でアーサーだけがまたもや剣を抜くのに成功すると,人民は異口同音に「アーサー王よ永遠なれ! 我々はもはや遅滞なく,他の王も擁かない。それが神の意志だからだ。神とアーサーに逆らう者は誰でも剣にかける」と叫んだ。そのように叫んで彼らは皆一斉に跪き,こんなにも彼の戴冠を遅らせたことに対してアーサーの赦しを求めた。それでアーサーは優しく,威厳をもって彼らを赦し,剣を手にすると,教会の高い祭壇に捧げた。
・cry for... は call for... とも言いますが「……を求めて叫ぶ」「……を声高に求める」です。目的語の grace は「優雅さ」ですが,ここは「権力にある者のおおらかな,優雅な態度」ということで「恩赦」でしょう。
Anon was he solemnly knighted with great pomp by the most famous knight there present, and the crown was placed upon his head; and, having taken oath to all the people, lords and commons, to be true king and deal in justice only unto his life’s end, he received homage and service from all the barons who held lands and castles from the crown. Then he made Sir Key, High Steward of England, and Sir Badewaine of Britain, Constable, and Sir Ulfius, Chamberlain: and after this, with all his court and a great retinue of knights and armed men, he journeyed into Wales, and was crowned again in the old city of Caerleon-upon-Usk.
Meanwhile those knights and barons who had so long delayed him from the crown, met together and went up to the coronation feast at Caerleon, as if to do him homage; and there they ate and drank such things as were set before them at the royal banquet, sitting with the others in the great hall.
・「王冠」は crown ですが coronet も同様の意味があり,coronation は「戴冠(式)」です。
But when after the banquet Arthur began, according to the ancient royal custom, to bestow great boons and fiefs on whom he would, they all with one accord rose up, and scornfully refused his gifts, crying that they would take nothing from a beardless boy come of low or unknown birth, but would instead give him good gifts of hard sword-strokes between neck and shoulders.
・according to... は「天気予報によると」のように「(三人称)によると」の意味が有名ですが,「……に従って」の意味もあります。今回は「慣習に従って」ですね。文脈から推測しやすい意味ではあると思います。なおこの according to... の割り込みにより began to... が離れ離れになっていることは分かりますね?
Whereat arose a deadly tumult in the hall, and every man there made him ready to fight. But Arthur leaped up as a flame of fire against them, and all his knights and barons drawing their swords, rushed after him upon them and began a full sore battle; and presently the king’s party prevailed, and drave the rebels from the hall and from the city, closing the gates behind them; and King Arthur brake his sword upon them in his eagerness and rage.
・tumult「騒動」と turmoil「騒動」はセットで覚えておきましょう。後者は r が入りますので気を付けて下さい。
・drave は drive の2つの過去形 drove,drave のうちマイナーな方でしょう。ここでの意味は「運転する」ではなく「追い立てる」です。「運転する」は「追い立てる,駆り立てる」から生まれています。
・rebel /réb(ə)l/ は英語を聞き慣れていないと「レベル(level)」/lév(ə)l/と誤聴します。r と l,b と v が違うので必ず聞き分けたいですね。勿論,rebel「反逆者」という語の意味を知っていれば,ここで「レベル」の話が出てくる筈もないので,「反逆者達を追いたてた」と読めます。なお,rebel が「反逆する」という意味の動詞になる時は,/rɪbél/ という全く違った発音になります。この名詞形は,ゲーム好きなら必ず知っている rebellion「反乱,反逆」(リベリオン)です。
But amongst them were six kings of great renown and might, who more than all raged against Arthur and determined to destroy him, namely, King Lot, King Nanters, King Urien, King Carados, King Yder, and King Anguisant. These six, therefore, joining their armies together, laid close siege to the city of Caerleon, wherefrom King Arthur had so shamefully driven them.
・Yder はエデルン(Edern ap Nudd)のことのようで,兄弟にグウィン(Gwyn ap Nudd)がいます。
・残念ながら最後の Anguisant だけ分かりませんでした。
And after fifteen days Merlin came suddenly into their camp and asked them what this treason meant. Then he declared to them that Arthur was no base adventurer, but King Uther’s son, whom they were bound to serve and honour even though Heaven had not vouchsafed the wondrous miracle of the sword. Some of the kings, when they heard Merlin speak thus, marvelled and believed him; but others, as King Lot, laughed him and his words to scorn, and mocked him for a conjurer and wizard. But it was agreed with Merlin that Arthur should come forth and speak with the kings.
・この no... は「決して……ではない」,base は「下劣な」です。
So he went forth to them to the city gate, and with him the archbishop and Merlin, and Sir Key, Sir Brastias, and a great company of others. And he spared them not in his speech, but spoke to them as king and chieftain telling them plainly he would make them all bow to him if he lived, unless they choose to do him homage there and then; and so they parted in great wrath, and each side armed in haste.
・he spared them not とは「彼らを見逃さなかった」という意味ですが,「君達(ロト王ら)が僕(アーサー)に従わないならそれでいいよ」の逆,つまり「君達だって例外なく僕の臣下なんだよ」と言ったという意味です。
・カンマ+unless は「もっとも……であれば話は別だが」と訳すと上手いことがあります。
“What will ye do?” said Merlin to the kings; “ye had best hold your hands, for were ye ten times as many ye should not prevail.”
“Shall we be afraid of a dream-reader?” quoth King Lot in scorn.
With that Merlin vanished away and came to King Arthur.
Then Arthur said to Merlin, “I have need now of a sword that shall chastise these rebels terribly.”
・had better「……した方が良い」は有名ですが,had best「……するのが一番だ」もあります。
“Come then with me,” said Merlin, “for hard by there is a sword that I can gain for thee.”
So they rode out that night till they came to a fair and broad lake, and in the midst of it King Arthur saw an arm thrust up, clothed in white samite, and holding a great sword in the hand.
“Lo! yonder is the sword I spoke of,” said Merlin.
Then saw they a damsel floating on the lake in the Moonlight. “What damsel is that?” said the king.
・hard by = close by は「すぐ近くに」です。
“The lady of the lake,” said Merlin; “for upon this lake there is a rock, and on the rock a noble palace, where she abideth, and she will come towards thee presently, thou shalt ask her courteously for the sword.”
Therewith the damsel came to King Arthur, and saluted him, and he saluted her, and said, “Lady, what sword is that the arm holdeth above the water? I would that it were mine, for I have no sword.”
“Sir King,” said the lady of the lake, “that sword is mine, and if thou wilt give me in return a gift whenever I shall ask it of thee, thou shalt have it.”
“By my faith,” said he, “I will give thee any gift that thou shalt ask.”
するとすぐに少女がアーサーの所にやって来て,彼に挨拶し,彼も彼女に挨拶して,「お嬢さん,その腕が湖上に握っている剣は何ですか? できればそれが欲しいなと。というのも私は剣を持っていないのです」と言った。
・I would that... は I を略して Would that... の形で I wish...「……であればよいのに」の意味で使えます(Oh that... などもある)。またこれは,助動詞の would がかつては動詞で使えたことを意味しています。
“Well,” said the damsel, “go into yonder barge, and row thyself unto the sword, and take it and the scabbard with thee, and I will ask my gift of thee when I see my time.”
So King Arthur and Merlin alighted, and tied their horses to two trees, and went into the barge; and when they came to the sword that the hand held, King Arthur took it by the handle and bore it with him, and the arm and hand went down under the water; and so they came back to land, and rode again to Caerleon.
On the morrow Merlin bade King Arthur to set fiercely on the enemy; and in the meanwhile three hundred good knights went over to King Arthur from the rebels’ side. Then at the spring of day, when they had scarce left their tents, he fell on them with might and main, and Sir Badewaine, Sir Key, and Sir Brastias slew on the right hand and on the left marvellously; and ever in the thickest of the fight King Arthur raged like a young lion, and laid on with his sword, and did wondrous deeds of arms, to the joy and admiration of the knights and barons who beheld him.
・with might and main は「力いっぱい,全力で」という意味の重要熟語です。
・この to the joy... は to one's surprise「驚いたことには」の同類です。「……が喜んだことに」「その結果……は喜んだ」ということです。
Then King Lot, King Carados, and the King of the Hundred Knights — who also rode with them — going round to the rear, set on King Arthur fiercely from behind; but Arthur, turning to his knights, fought ever in the foremost press until his horse was slain beneath him. At that, King Lot rode furiously at him, and smote him down; but rising straightway, and being set again on horseback, he drew his sword Excalibur that he had gained by Merlin from the lady of the lake, which, shining brightly as the light of thirty torches, dazzled the eyes of his enemies.
するとロト王,カラドス王,そして百騎士の王 — 彼も彼らと一緒に馬を走らせていた — が後方に回り,アーサー王を背後から激しく攻撃した。しかしアーサーは騎士達の方を向き,最も激しい戦闘の中で,馬が戦死するまで戦った。それを見たロト王は馬で激しく彼に接近し,彼を打ち倒した。しかし彼は直ちに起き上がり,再び馬に乗せてもらうと,マーリンを通じて湖の貴婦人からもらったエクスカリバーを引き抜いた。それは30本の松明の光の如く明るく輝き,敵の目はこれに眩んだ。
・King of the Hundred Knights(King with the Hundred Knights,Roi des Cent Chevaliers)は渾名で,固有名は様々な表記があり,その1つに Aguysans があります(他に Sir Barant le Apres,Malaguin など)。もしかしたら先ほど分からないとした Anguisant のことかもしれません。
And therewith falling on them afresh with all his knights, he drove them back and slew them in great numbers, and Merlin by his arts scattered among them fire and pitchy smoke, so that they broke and fled. Then all the common people of Caerleon, seeing them give way, rose up with one accord, and rushed at them with clubs and staves, and chased them far and wide, and slew many great knights and lords, and the remainder of them fled and were seen no more. Thus won King Arthur his first battle and put his enemies to shame.
But the six kings, though sorely routed, prepared for a new war, and joining to themselves five others swore together that, whether for weal or woe, they would keep steadfast alliance till they had destroyed King Arthur. Then, with a host of 50,000 men-at-arms on horseback, and 10,000 foot, they were soon ready, and sent forth their fore-riders, and drew from the northern country towards King Arthur, to the castle of Bedgraine.
・for weal or woe の weal は「幸福」,woe は「災難」で,「良い時も悪い時も」と言う意味です。
・Bedgraine,Bedegraine は Wikipedia によると「アーサー王伝説で語られる地名」らしく,架空の地名なのでしょうか。
But he by Merlin’s counsel had sent over sea to King Ban of Benwick and King Bors of Gaul, praying them to come and help him in his wars, and promising to help in return against King Claudas, their foe. To which those kings made answer that they would joyfully fulfil his wish, and shortly after came to London with 300 knights, well arrayed for both peace and war, leaving behind them a great army on the other side of the sea till they had consulted with King Arthur and his ministers how they might best dispose of it.
And Merlin being asked for his advice and help, agreed to go himself and fetch it over sea to England, which in one night he did; and brought with him 10,000 horsemen and led them northward privately to the forest of Bedgraine, and there lodged them in a valley secretly.
Then, by the counsel of Merlin, when they knew which way the eleven kings would ride and sleep, King Arthur with Kings Ban and Bors made themselves ready with their army for the fight, having yet but 30,000 men, counting the 10,000 who had come from Gaul.
“Now shall ye do my advice,” said Merlin; “I would that King Ban and King Bors, with all their fellowship of 10,000 men, were led to ambush in this wood ere daylight, and stir not therefrom until the battle hath been long waged. And thou, Lord Arthur, at the spring of day draw forth thine army before the enemy, and dress the battle so that they may at once see all thy host, for they will be the more rash and hardy when they see you have but 20,000 men.”
・I would that は「……であればよいのに」という意味にも使われるわけですから,とても控えめにバン王とボールス王に指示を出しています。
To this the three knights and the barons heartily consented, and it was done as Merlin had devised. So on the morrow when the hosts beheld each other, the host of the north was greatly cheered to find so few led out against them.
Then gave King Arthur the command to Sir Ulfius and Sir Brastias to take 3000 men-at-arms, and to open battle. They therefore setting fiercely on the enemy slew them on the right hand and the left till it was wonderful to see their slaughter.
・「心から」を表す語として×heartly は間違いです。正しくは○heartily です。それは形容詞 hearty に -ly が付く際,y が i に変わるためです。