次の (a) 〜 (e) には,文法・語法上の誤りが一箇所ある。誤りの部分とそれを訂正したものを,訂正箇所がはっきりするようにその前と後の一語を添えて示せ。
(a) The mayor expressed concern about the large amount of pedestrians killed or injured in traffic accidents.
(b) The teacher was tolerable of those who fell asleep in his class provided they did not snore.
(c) We were all surprised that Tom was determined to marry with Jane, who had just finished high school.
(d) Since it was an unusually hot day, my dog laid under the tree all afternoon and did not bark at passers-by as he normally did.
(e) We waited in line for two hours to get the tickets. Much in our disgust, when we reached the window, they had all been sold.
それぞれ最初に挙げた語から適切な派生語を作り(-ing 形は不可),文の空所を補え。
(a) attend
His speech was so interesting that the audience was very ( ).
There was a poor ( ) at the annual meeting of our society.
(b) oppose
This decision will necessarily excite great ( ) in many quarters.
What you are saying today is the exact ( ) of what you were saying yesterday.
(c) succeed
Her ability made her ( ) in everything she did.
She made two visits to the museum on ( ) days.
次の (d),(e) の下に挙げた語群から適切な一語を選び,その派生語(-ingは不可)を作って,文の空所を補え。
(d) One general point I want to emphasize is that the scientific approach to things is a far more personal and ( ) activity than is sometimes realized. Big jumps ahead in science are usually the results of the adventures and intuitions of a single mind.
語群:care imagine observe operate progress
(e) The organs of the human body are like the parts of a car operating on their own, while we sit at the steering wheel. We can no more order them about than we can give an order to the engine of a car. The parallel can be carried still further, in that we are responsible in both cases for good ( ) and the right sort of fuel. But we cannot step out of our body as we can step out of our car, and there the parallel breaks down.
語群:judge know maintain preserve pursue
(a) The mayor expressed concern about the large amount of pedestrians killed or injured in traffic accidents.
the number of cars [pedestrians]「車[歩行者]」の数
the amount of water「水の量」
これを踏まえれば,the large amount of pedestrians が誤りで,the large number of pedestrians が正しいです。答えは large amount of → large number of
なお,express concern about O は重要表現で「Oについて懸念を表明する」です(concern=心配)
(b) The teacher was tolerable of those who fell asleep in his class provided they did not snore.
tolerate O「Oを許容する」 これは動詞です。この形容詞形が,
tolerant of O「(本人が)Oを許容している」
本問は居眠りする生徒を教師本人が許容していたということなので,tolerantでなければなりません。答えは was tolerable of → was tolerant of
(c) We were all surprised that Tom was determined to marry with Jane, who had just finished high school.
超基本問題です。「Oと結婚する」はmarry Oです。Will you marry me? で覚えておきましょう。get married to O とも言います。答えは marry with Jane → marry Jane
(d) Since it was an unusually hot day, my dog laid under the tree all afternoon and did not bark at passers-by as he normally did.
lie「横たわる,ある」 lie -- lay -- lain
lay「横たえる,置く」lay -- laid -- laid
my dog laid under the tree というのは「犬が樹の下に横たわった(寝そべった)」ということを言いたいのだろうということは分かるでしょう。ならば上の活用(下線を引いておきました)を見て,my dog lay under the tree でなければなりません。答えは dog laid under → dog lay under
(e) We waited in line for two hours to get the tickets. Much in our disgust, when we reached the window, they had all been sold.
to one's surprise「(oneが)驚いたことには」(one'sはmy,herなど所有格)
強調形は2つあり ,
much to one's surprise「(oneが)大いに驚いたことには」
to one's great surprise「(oneが)大いに驚いたことには」
つまりto one's surpriseという副詞句全体を,外からmuchで強調するか,surpriseという名詞だけを,greatで強調するかです。
Much to our disgust「(我々が)大いにうんざりしたことには」
ということで答えは Much in our → Much to our
marry の用法とか lie の活用(基本!)とか,東大も平和な時代でしたね。
(a) attend
His speech was so interesting that the audience was very ( ).
There was a poor ( ) at the annual meeting of our society.
attendは「出席する(attend O)」「世話する,注意して聞く(attend to O)」が重要であり,派生語は
形容詞attentive to...「熱心に聞いて,よく気がついて」
上の文は the audience was very attentive「聴衆は熱心に聞いた」
下の文は a poor attendance「少ない出席者数」
(b) oppose
This decision will necessarily excite great ( ) in many quarters.
What you are saying today is the exact ( ) of what you were saying yesterday.
oppose は「Pに反対する(oppose P)」 「OをPに反対させる(oppose O to P)」があり,後者は受け身が普通です(be opposed to P「Pに反対している」)
名詞the opposite「反対のもの」
前置詞opposite...「……の向かい側に(across from...)」
上の文は excite great opposition「大きな反対を引き起こす」
下の文は the exact opposite of what you were saying yesterday「貴方が昨日言っていたことの正反対」
(c) succeed
Her ability made her ( ) in everything she did.
She made two visits to the museum on ( ) days.
まず succeed 自体に「成功する」と「継承する,後に続く」の2つの意味があることが重要です。成功しないと後が続きませんよね。そこから派生語は「成功」系と「連続」系の2系統があり,
名詞success「成功」,success「成功者」 形容詞successful「成功した」
名詞succession「継承,連続」,successor「継承者」 形容詞successive「連続した」
上の文は make O C「OをCにする」より made her successful「彼女を成功させた」
下の文は on successive daysで「毎日連続して」(前にtwoがあるので「連続2日」)
なお上の文に関して made her success「彼女の成功を作った」でいいのでは,という質問を受けることがありますが,やや舌足らず(あまり自然でない)かなと思います。
次の (d),(e) の下に挙げた語群から適切な一語を選び,その派生語(-ingは不可)を作って,文の空所を補え。
(d) One general point I want to emphasize is that the scientific approach to things is a far more personal and ( ) activity than is sometimes realized. Big jumps ahead in science are usually the results of the adventures and intuitions of a single mind.
語群:care imagine observe operate progress
「私が強調したい1つの一般的な点は,物事に対する科学的手法というものが,時に実感されるよりも遥かに個人的で( )な活動だということです。科学における大躍進は通常,たった1人の知性ある人物の冒険や直感の所産なのです」
ということで( )のヒントは「個人的」「冒険」「直感」です。「個人の頭・知性に基づくものが科学の発見・進歩に繋がる」という文脈です。「個人の頭・知性」に関する語は語群の中ではimagine「想像する」かobserve「観察する」であり,どちらかと言えば大躍進に繋がるのはobserve「観察する」よりもimagine「想像する」の方がピッタリでしょう。
(e) The organs of the human body are like the parts of a car operating on their own, while we sit at the steering wheel. We can no more order them about than we can give an order to the engine of a car. The parallel can be carried still further, in that we are responsible in both cases for good ( ) and the right sort of fuel. But we cannot step out of our body as we can step out of our car, and there the parallel breaks down.
語群:judge know maintain preserve pursue
「人体の諸器官は,我々がハンドルを握る間,それぞれが自動で作動する車の部品のようである。我々は車のエンジンに命令できないように,人体の諸器官に命令はできない。この類似性は以下の点において更に進められる。つまり我々はどちらの場合でも良い( )と正しい種類の燃料に責任があるということだ。しかし我々は車を降りられるのとは違って体から出られないので,そこで類似性はなくなる」
人体の場合,良い( )と正しい種類の燃料に責任がある
車の場合,良い( )と正しい種類の燃料に責任がある