Laeg saw the chariot returning over the plain. “The last chariot-rider who went from us is coming back again, Cucuc!” said he. “What does he want?” said Cu. “He is challenging us by driving with the left side of the chariot towards us,” answered Laeg.
“I do not want to fight the boy,” Cuchulain said. “Shamed should I be were I to slay a lad who came hither under the guardianship of Fergus. Get me my sword out of its sheath, however, Laeg; I’ll give him a good fright and send him home.”
・Shamed should I be were I to slay a lad を分かりやすい語順に戻せば Were I to slay a lad, I should be shamed です。were I toはif I were toですから(仮定法のifの省略に伴う倒置),If I were to slay a lad, I should be shamed「仮に少年を殺すようなことがあったら,私は恥をかくだろう」です。I should be shamed は I would be shamed に同じです(イギリス英語では1人称主語の時wouldの意味でshouldが使える)
Etarcomal came up. “What do you want now, fellow?” cried Cuchulain, vexed. “I am come back to fight you,” said the lad. “I will not fight you, now or any time,” Cuchulain said. “By all the rules of war you are obliged to fight, for I have challenged you.” Then Cuchulain took his sword, and with one stroke he sliced away the sod beneath Etarcomal’s feet, laying him flat upon the ground, his face turned upwards. “Now go,” Cuchulain said, “I wash my hands of you. Had you not come under the care of my good master Fergus, I would have cut you into little bits a while ago.
エターコマルが近づいた。「今度はなんだい,君?」クー・フーリンは苛ついて叫んだ。「君と戦うために戻ってきたよ」若者は言った。「君と戦うつもりはないよ。今だろうがいつだろうが」クー・フーリンは言った。「どんな戦の掟でも君は戦う義務がある,僕が挑戦したんだから」 するとクー・フーリンは剣を取り,ひと薙ぎで彼の足下の芝を薙ぎ,彼を仰向けに,地面に転ばせた。「さあ,去れ」クー・フーリンは言った。「君とは御免被りたい。大事な養父のフェルグスの保護下でなかったら,とっくに細切れにしていたんだけど」
・偶然ですが「東大過去問(7)」で出題されていた wash my hands of O「Oとの関係を断つ」が出てきました!このように物語では使われるわけですね。
Beware, for I have given you a warning.” Slowly Etarcomal rose from the ground. “I will not budge a step until I have your head,” he said doggedly, though in his heart he began to be afraid. Then Cuchulain played on him another sword-feat; with one clean stroke he shore off all his hair, from back to front, from ear to ear, till not a hair remained; but not a single drop of blood he drew or even scratched his skin. “Now off with you,” he said a second time, “you look absurd enough, I promise you. The men of Erin and the chiefs will laugh when you go back, and cool your pride a bit.”
「目を覚ませよ,警告はしたぞ」 ゆっくりとエターコマルは地面から起き上がった。「お前の首を取るまでは,一歩も動かん」彼は断固として言った。もっとも彼は心の中で恐れ始めていた。するとクー・フーリンはもう1回剣技を見せつけて彼を弄んだ。きれいなひと太刀で彼の髪を,前面から後頭部まで,右耳の上から左耳まで,1本も残さずに全て刈り取ったのだ。それでいて彼は1滴の血も流さず,引っかき傷さえつかなかった。「消えな」彼は再び言った。「無様な見た目だ,ほんとに。エリンの男達や首長らは君が帰ったら笑うだろうね。自惚れをちょっとは醒ませよ」
・Off with O には「Oを追い払え,(帽子)を取れ」といった意味があります。Away with you!「失せろ」とも言います。Down with O「O(独裁制など)を打倒せよ」もあります。
“I will not stir until I have your head; either you gain the victory over me, and win renown, or I take off your head from you, and get the glory and the praise of it,” he sullenly replied.
“Well, let it be as you desire, then, and I am he who takes your head from you, and I shall win the glory and renown of which you make so much.” And at that word, with one stroke of his weapon Cuchulain smote the boy, and cut him right in twain, so that he fell divided to the ground. Terrified, the charioteer turned round the horse’s head and fled back towards the camp. Close to the tents he came on Fergus, who leisurely and thoughtfully drove home. He saw the empty chariot passing him. “Where is your master, fellow?” Fergus cried. “Has he not come with you?” “Even now he has been cut in twain by that fierce, powerful hero, at the ford,” the man cried, looking scared; and, waiting not for any answer, he tore on to the camp.
・twainはtwoのことで,マーク・トウェイン(Mark Twain;水深二尋)というペンネームにも使われています。哀れエターコマル。
・tear /teər/ - tore /tɔːr/ は「破る,引き裂く」という意味ですが,「大慌てで行く」という意味があります。空間を引き裂くように進むということでしょう。恐怖に駆られた御者が慌てて帰っていく様を表しています。
“O come, my wild young fosterling,” thought Fergus to himself, “this is too bad indeed, to slay a lad who came under my protection. Turn back the chariot,” said he aloud, “we go back to Cuchulain at the ford.”
No sooner had they come where Cuchulain stood brooding above the body of Etarcomal, and wiping down his bloody sword, than Fergus called aloud, “What came to you, you hasty sprite, you hot-headed young fury; could you not keep your hands from slaying even a lad who came merely to look at you and under my protection? This act of yours I do not understand at all. It is not like the deed or custom of my foster-son.”
“Be not so angry, O my friend and master,” gently Cuchulain replied; “all that I could I did to send him safely home. Ask his own charioteer all that has taken place. He would not take a warning, and in the end I must have stood and had my head chopped off without defence, or, as I did, taken his head from him. Would it have pleased you better had I let the lad take off my head from me?”
クー・フーリンがエターコマルの骸の上にとどまり,血に濡れた剣を拭っている場所へ彼らが戻るやいなや,フェルグスは叫んだ。「おいどうしたんだ,軽率な鬼っ子め,このヒステリーめ。お前を見に来ただけの,俺が保護していた少年まで殺す手を抑えられないのか? お前のこの所業を全く理解できん。俺の養子の所業でも習わしでもないっ」「そんなに怒らないで,友人にして養父よ」穏やかにクー・フーリンは答えた。「彼を無事に帰らせるためにできるだけのことをしたんだ。彼の御者に起こったことを全部聞いてみてよ。彼は警告も聞き入れなかったし,ついには僕が備えもなく首を斬り落とされるか,実際そうなったように,僕が彼の首を斬るしかなかったんだ。あの少年に僕の首を斬り落とさせた方が満足だった?」
“Indeed, I should not have been pleased at all; the lad was insolent and foolhardy, and right well deserved his ignominious death. Tie his feet to the chariot-tail, my charioteer, and I will take him home.” So to his own chariot Fergus tied the boy, and dragged him back to camp. Meave saw them come, and heard the people shouting as they passed, the bleeding body draggled in the dust.
“Why, how is this?” she cried. “Is this, O Fergus of the mighty deeds, the fashion in which you bring back the tender whelp who went out from us but some hours ago, brilliant in life and gaiety and youth? the whelp we sent out safely, as we thought, in Fergus’ guardianship? Of wondrous value is the guardianship of Fergus; and safe is he who trusts himself to it!”
「ああ,これは何だ?」彼女は叫んだ。「力技のフェルグスよこれが,たった数時間前に出かけていった華奢な若者を,快活さと若々しさで輝いていた若者を連れ帰るのに,こんな方法があるのか? フェルグスの保護があるから安全に送り出したと思っていたのだぞ? フェルグスの保護者としての驚くべき価値のことを! お前の保護に身を委ねる者は安全であると!」
“It is not well, O Queen, that whelps so brazen and untried as this should face the Hound of War; let them remain henceforth in safety in their kennels, gnawing their bones. The lad Etarcomal was bold and insolent; full well he reaped the fate he brought upon himself!”
・It is not well that...「……であることは好都合なことではない」は重要表現です。
・brazenやbrassは「真鍮」の意があり,真鍮の面の皮が厚い特性からして両語は「面の皮が厚い,図々しい」の意味があります。as bold as brass「真鍮のように厚かましい」という比喩もあります。
Sadly, but with all honour, they buried Etarcomal, heaping his grave, and rearing a stone above it with his name engraven thereupon in ogam lines. That night Cuchulain did not molest the men of Erin because they were occupied with funeral rites; but provisions and apparel were sent to him, according to the treaty made between them.
ᚐ a(モミ;ailm) ᚁ b(樺;beithe) ᚉ c(ハシバミ;coll)