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“Truly I well believe it,” Fergus said. “Too well I know what straits for food and drink have fallen on thee in this raid, and well I know thy hospitable mind. But at this time we seek not food and drink, nor can we stay for combats or for rest; I come at Ailill’s and at Meave’s command, to tell thee what we think are thy conditions, and that we will hold and keep to them.”

“I too will keep the compact brought by Fergus’ hand, and to the letter I will carry it out,” the hero said; “only abide awhile with me, and let us waste a little time in talk of olden days.”







olden daysという言い方を初めて見ました。old daysの古めかしい言い方のようです。

“I dare not stay to talk at this time, O beloved foster-son,” Fergus replied; “the men of Erin doubt me, and will think that I am proving traitor to their cause, and betraying them to thee; for well they know I love thee, though, alas! at this time I am fighting with my country’s foes and thine. One thing I ask of thee for old affection’s sake, because thou art my pupil and my friend, that if at any moment in this war, thou and myself art found opposing each the other face to face, thou then wilt turn and flee before me, that upon my pupil and my foster-son I be not forced to redden my sword in fight. Promise me this.”




・prove Cはprove to be Cとも言い,「Cであると判明する」です。ここのprove traitorは「裏切り者であると判明する」です。「ある裏切り者」というより,「裏切り者の状態」「裏切り者の属性」ということなので,traitorが裸名詞(無冠詞単数)になっています。

redden one's swordは「剣を血で赤く染める」ということです。フェルグスは人並み外れた男ですが,クー・フーリンは半神半人なので,フェルグスが勝つとは限りませんがね。

“Though I be indeed thy pupil and thy foster-son,” replied the youth, “yet loth am I to promise this; never have I turned my back on any friend or foe, and to flee even before thee, O Fergus, likes me not. Ask me not this, but any other thing gladly and joyfully I grant to thee.” “No need for thee to feel like this,” Fergus replied; “no shame to thee is what I contemplate, but only that our ancient love and friendship be not marred. Do in this thing but what I ask, and I in my turn, in the final battle of the Raid, when thou art wounded sore and drenched with blood, will turn and flee from thee. And surely if the men of Erin see Fergus in flight, they too will fly, and all the host of Meave will scatter and disperse, like clouds before the sun.”


turn one's back on O「Oに背を向ける」は重要表現です。「見捨てる」の意にもなります。



“On these terms willingly I give my word; for so will Ulster profit by my flight. Now fare thee well, good Fergus. Bid the host of Meave to send their strongest and their best to combat with me, one by one, and I will give a good account to Ulster of them, or will die.” Then a right loving leave they took each of the other, and Fergus set out to return to the camp.
But the lad Etarcomal sat on still, looking at Cuchulain, and for the first time the hero noticed him.



fare thee wellは「さらば」です。fareは「行く」,wellは「良く」で,「良く行けよ」です。

or will dieはもちろん「あるいは僕が死ぬだろう」です。「1人ずつ一騎打ちすればアルスターに彼らの報告ができるだろう,あるいは僕が(負けて)死ぬだろう」ということですが,敢えて「僕が死ななければね」と訳してみました。

take leaveは「暇乞いをする,別れの挨拶をする」。重要表現です。


“Who are you, and what are you staring at, fellow?” he asked. “I look at you,” he said. “You can see me easily enough, I am not very big. But if you knew it, little animals can be dangerous sometimes, and so can I. But now that you have had a good look at me, tell me what you think of me.”


be staringbe startingと非常に見間違えやすいので気をつけてください。今回はstaringです。stare at Oで「Oをじっと見る,見つめる,睨む」です。

“I do not think much of you,” Etarcomal said. “You seem to me a very nice, wonderfully pretty youth and clever at playing sports and feats; but that anyone should think of you as a good warrior or a brave man, or should call you the ‘Hero of Valour’ or the ‘Hammer of Destruction,’ that I cannot understand. I do not know, indeed, why anyone should be afraid of you. I am not afraid of you at all.”


do not think much of... は「……を高く評価しない」です。 


“I am aware,” said Cuchulain, “that you came hither under the protection of my master Fergus, and that he is surety for your safe return; but by the gods whom I adore, I swear that if it were not for the honour of Fergus, only your broken bones and disjointed members should have been sent back to Meave after those insolent words.”
“No need to threaten me,” said Etarcomal; “I was here when you made an agreement with Fergus to fight every day one of the men of Ireland. By that wonderful agreement that he made with you, none other of the men of Erin shall come to-morrow to meet you but only I myself. To-day I do not touch you, but let you live a little longer.”

「知ってるよ」クー・フーリンは言った。「君は僕の親父のフェルグスに守られてここにやって来たんだろ。フェルグスは君が安全に帰還する保証人なんだろ? でも僕が敬愛する神にかけて,フェルグスの名誉を重んじなければ,そんな生意気なことを言った後は体がボロボロのバラバラになってメーヴのもとに帰ることになってただろうね」「脅さなくてもいいよ」エターコマルは言った。「君がフェルグスと,アイルランドの戦士と毎日決闘する約束をしたのをここで聞いたんだ。彼が君と交わしたその素晴らしい約束で,明日君に会いにやって来るのは他でもない,僕自身だよ。今日は君に手を出さないよ。少しは長く生きさせてあげるよ」



if it were not for Oは高校生も習う「仮にOがなかったら」です。仮定法のifを省略すると倒置するため,were it not for Oも重要です。but for O,without Oとも言います。 なおこれは現在の反実仮想であり,過去に「Oがなかったならば」という場合はif it had not been for O = had it not been for O = but for O = without Oです。

“However early you may choose to come to the ford,” said Cuchulain, “you will find me there before you. I promise you I will not run away.”
Etarcomal turned his chariot to drive back to the camp. But hardly had he started when he exclaimed, “Do you know, fellow, I have promised to fight the famous Cuchulain to-morrow at the dawn? Now, do you think it best to wait till then, or to go back and fight him now? I do not know that I can wait.”


エターコマルは戦車を返して陣営への帰途についた。しかし出発するとすぐに彼は叫んだ。「ねえ,明日の夜明けにあの有名なクー・フーリンと戦う約束をしたよ。その時まで待つのが良いか,今すぐ引き換えして彼と戦うのとどっちが良いかな? 待てる気がしないよ」

“I should say,” replied the charioteer, “that if you mean to fight Cuchulain at all, ’twere better to get it over while he is close at hand.” “Turn the chariot, and drive it left-handwise towards Cuchulain, for by that sign we challenge him. I swear by all my gods, I never will go back until I take the head of this wild youth, and stick it up on high before the host.”



get it overについては,get it over with「さっさと終わらせる」というのがあります。英語を教える同僚と,「この目的語を取らないwithって不思議だね」という話をしたことがあります。





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