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Etarcomal’s Well-deserved Fate

So Fergus turned his horses to go back where he had left Cuchulain. He thought to go alone, attended only by his charioteer, but as he drove along, the sound of wheels behind him made him turn, and close to him he saw a youth who, sitting in his chariot, seemed to follow hard behind, as though to catch him up. Fergus recognized the rider as a rich young chief, brave but foolhardy, who was known among the host as one who thought too highly of himself, considering he had little experience of war.


・堅い文語調で,think to-V「Vするつもりである」というのがあります。

as if to say...「まるで……と言わんばかりに」というのがあります。as ifはas thoughとも言い,as though to catch him upは「まるで彼に追いつかんばかりに」です。TOTOAfricaの歌詞にHe turned to me as if to say...「彼は……と言わんばかりに私の方を向いた」というのがありましたね。

fly high「高く飛ぶ」という風にhigh「高い」の副詞はhigh「高く」です。しかし評価が高いなど比喩的な意味では副詞highly「高く」を使います。think highly of Oは「Oを高く評価する」です。今回は目的語がhimselfなので「自惚れる」ですね。


“Whither away, Etarcomal?” said Fergus, for that was the youth’s name. “I wish to go with you,” replied the lad; “I hear that you are on your way to seek this wonderful Cuchulain, of whom all men talk. I feel inclined myself to have a look at him.”
“I give you sound advice,” said Fergus, “and best it were for you to heed my words. Turn round your chariot, and go home again.”



sound adviceは「健全な助言」です。

“Why so?” Etarcomal asked. “Because I know full well that if you, with your light-minded insolence, come into contact with this great Hound of War, in all his fierceness and his terrible strength, trouble will befall. You will provoke him with your childishness, and ill will come, before I can prevent it. Go home again, I will not have you come.” “If we fell out, could you not rescue me?” Etarcomal said. “No doubt I should endeavour to succour you; but if you seek a quarrel, or with your foolish words provoke Cuchulain, I make no promises; you must defend yourself, and take your chance.”

“Truly I seek no quarrel with this valiant mighty chief; I will but look upon his powerful form and note his face, and then return with you.” “So be it, then,” said Fergus, “let us on.”




fall outは色んな意味があり悩みましたが,後ろにquarrelがあることからも,「仲違いする」でしょうか。


So be it.は「(それなら)そうでいい」という意味の決り文句です。今回はthenが「それなら」ということです。語順が意味不明と思う人もいるかもしれませんが,So am I. などもあり,そうでもありません(倒置ということですね)

 So am I.「私もそうだ」

 So be it.「状況はそうであれ」 ※it=状況・事態

Afar off, Laeg espied them as they came. He and his master sat beneath the trees close on the borders of a little wood, playing a game of chess; but none the less he kept a sharp lookout, watching where lay the distant camp of Meave. A single chariot approaches from the camp, and furiously it drives across the plain: “I think he comes to seek us, Cucuc,” said the man. “What sort is the rider in that chariot?” questioned Cu. “I know him well, and short the time since he was here before. Like to the side of a massive mountain, standing sheer from out the plain, the chariot in which that warrior rides.




none the lessはtheに指示性があり,「その分だけ少なくはない」です。「チェスをしている分だけ監視が疎かになる」のではなく,「チェスをしている分だけ監視が疎かになるわけでもなく」です。 




Mighty as the leafy branching crown of a kingly tree which grows before a chieftain’s door, the bushy, loose, dark-ruddy locks upon that warrior’s head. Around him is a mantle of a noble purple hue, with fringes of bright gold, clasped with a pin of gleaming gold and set with sparkling stones. In his left hand he bears his bossy shield and in his right a polished spear, with rings of metal bound from point to haft. Upon his thigh a sword so long and great, I took it for the rudder of a boat, or for a rainbow arched across the skies. Far-travelled and a man of might, meseems, the guest who cometh here.” “Welcome to me the coming of this hero and old friend,” Cuchulain cried, “my master Fergus, who approaches us.”




・このtook it for...mistook it for... と同じで「それを……と間違う」です。「ウィッチャー」の方ではtook A to be B「AをBと間違う」の形でした。



meseemsは前回出てきたmethinks「私には思える」と同じでしょう。it seems to meです。

“I see behind a second smaller chariot, which seems to accompany the massive chariot of Fergus. Spritely and full of life are the two prancing chariot-steeds, and young and bright the man who sits within.”
“’Tis likely that some one of Erin’s youthful chiefs has ventured out to have a look at me, under the guardianship of Fergus. I hear they all are talking of me in the camp. Perhaps he wants to have a bout with me, good Laeg, but better were it that he stayed at home.”




a boutは「ひと勝負,ひとしきり」です。

Up dashed the steeds of Fergus’ chariot, and in an instant he had sprung to earth and stood beside Cuchulain. “Welcome, O Fergus, old familiar friend. Welcome, my foster-master and my guardian,” Cuchulain cried, and warmly he embraced him. “Upon this lonely watch that I am forced to keep all solitary and unaided day by day against the men of Erin, most welcome the dear face of an old friend.”
“Then thou art glad indeed?” Fergus exclaimed, surprised.



“Certainly and indeed, I am right glad! Not much have I to offer in this wild desert place, but all I have is fully at your service. When o’er the plain a flock of wild-duck wings its way, one of them you shall have, with, in good times, the full half of another; if fish come up the estuary, a whole one shall be yours, with all that appertains to it; a handful of fresh cress straight from the brook, a spray of marshwort or of green sorrel shall be yours; ’tis all I have to give. When you are thirsty, from the running stream that trickles through the sand, you’ll get a drink; and if, some fall of day, a hero calls you to come down and wage a single combat at the ford, you shall take rest and sleep, while I will fight your enemy or keep watch.”


with, in good times, the full half of another はよく分からなかったのですがin good times「調子の良い時」は「父さんの体調が良い時」,full half of anotherは「もう1羽まるまる食べるのは無理だけど,その半分くらいは食べられる」ということかと解釈しました。

with all that appertains to it は「それに属する全ての物と共に」ですが,魚を採ったら身だけではなく骨も皮も全部食べていいという意味かと思います。ここはクー・フーリンの,その悪鬼の如き戦いぶりとはかけ離れた,子どもらしい部分を描写しているのでしょう。

cress,marshwort,green sorrelは正確な日本語を当てるのは諦めました。水辺に生えているセリとかクレソンとかの類と思われます。






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