Mac Roth came to the place where Laeg was awaiting him. “Who is your master, man?” said he. “My master is the young man over there; I am his charioteer,” replied Laeg. Mac Roth turned half round and saw Cuchulain. “And who may you serve, my young man?” quoth he. “I serve King Conor,” said the hero. “Cannot you tell me something more precise than that?” inquired Mac Roth again. “That much will serve your turn,” replied the youth. “Can you then tell me where I could find this renowned Cuchulain, who is so frightening the men of Erin now?” pursued Mac Roth. “What do you want to say to him that cannot be said as well to me?”
“I come in embassage from Ailill and from Meave, with power to propose terms of truce, and with an invitation from the Queen that Cuchulain should meet and confer with her.” “What terms do you propose?” he asked again. “With bounteous offers I am come from Meave, promise of wealth in cattle and in flocks, and welcome of an honoured guest to Cruachan and a place near Meave’s own side; all this and more, if he will quit the petty chieftain Conor, and will enter her service, and if, moreover, he will hold his hand from smiting down our hosts; for, in good sooth, the nightly thunder-feats he plays upon the warriors please not the host at all.”
・bounteousは「気前の良い」です。bounty「気前の良さ,報奨金・助成金」。bounty hunterは「賞金稼ぎ」です。bountiful「有り余るほどの,気前の良い」も重要ですね。
・pettyに「田舎」という意味はありませんが,a petty chieftainは「取るに足らない酋長」といった軽蔑的な意味合いなので,「田舎領主」と訳してみました。
Anger came upon Cuchulain to hear King Conor styled a petty chief by this contemptuous messenger of Meave. “Go back to those who sent you,” he replied, “for if in truth Cuchulain heard your terms, he would reject and fling them back with scorn. To-morrow I engage that the hero will confer with Meave herself, but only if she come under the escort and the charge of Fergus.”
・rejectは「拒む,はねつける」です。fling backも「投げ返す」ですね。面白いのは,rejectの成り立ちが「投げ(ject)返す(re)」であることです。
・engage that... は「保証する,請け合う」です。「婚約」も意味する語ですね。
Mac Roth returned with haste, and in the camp he sought out Connaught’s Queen. Eagerly she asked, “Well, did you find the champion, Mac Roth?” “All that I found was a terrible, angry, surly fellow airing himself between the mountains and the sea; but whether it were the formidable hero of whom men speak or no, indeed, I know not.”
“Did he accept our terms?” pursued the Queen. “The man I saw rejected them outright, flinging them back at us with angry scorn. Only he promised that to-morrow, in the glen, Cuchulain would be found to talk of terms, but that you needs must go in company with Fergus.”
・稀に習うかも知れませんが,must needs V = needs must Vはmust Vのことです。古語です。文法的に理解不能と思うかも知れませんが,「needsは副詞だ」と言われれれば,そうでもないでしょう(must necessarily V)
“To-morrow I myself will offer terms,” said Meave, “and he will not refuse.” So on the morrow Meave and Fergus sought the glen, the Queen keeping carefully to the far side of the valley, with the wooded dell between themselves and the place where she believed Cuchulain would be found. Eagerly she scanned the glen on every side, expecting on the opposite ridge to see a mighty, ugly warrior, fully armed, who waited for her coming. “Why comes he not, Fergus?” she said at last. But Fergus answered not, for he was standing all engrossed in watching a young stripling, lithe and radiant, who on the other side the glen was practising sling-feats, shooting at the passing birds that flew above his head, and bringing them down alive.
・このsought the glenは「『谷はどこにあるのかな?』と探した」という意味ではないでしょう。谷の場所は分かっているはずで,「谷を探索した」の意味と思われます。『ウィズダム英和辞典』にはseekに「……へ行く,赴く」といった意味を載せています。
“Cuchulain is there before you,” Fergus said. “I see no one at all save one young lad, who seems expert in feats,” replied the Queen; “I cannot see a warrior near or far.”
“That young lad it is who has done damage to your hosts, however,” was the reply. “Is that boy, the young boy yonder, the famous hero of whom all men speak?” Meave cried astonished. “Small need, methinks, to be afraid of him, myself will speak to him and offer him my terms.”
・methinks /miθɪ́ŋks/ は「私には思われる(it seems to me)」です。
Then in a high and haughty voice, as when a Queen speaks to an underling, Meave called across the valley to Cuchulain. She set before him honourable terms if he would leave the service of King Conor and enter hers. Promptly, without an instant’s thought, he set them all aside. Then as he seemed about to turn away to practise feats again, in despair the Queen called out, “Are there no terms whatever that you will accept? it is not pleasant to our people, nor likes it them at all, to be cut off and slaughtered night by night and harassed by your precious thunder-feats.”
・he seemed about to-Vは重要なbe about to-V「今にもVしそうである」のbeをseemに変えたものです。「今にもVしそうに見えた」「今にもVしそうな様子だった」ということです。
“I tell you not my terms,” replied the youth; “it is for you to find them out yourself.”
As Meave and Fergus drove back to the camp, the Queen asked Fergus if he knew the terms Cuchulain would accept.
“I do not know,” said Fergus, “but just now there came into my mind a conversation that I had when Cuchulain was yet a child and in my house as foster-son. We spoke together of a champion who had accepted conditions of his country’s foes, and I remember that Cuchulain thought not well of him for doing so.
He coloured up and said, ‘If I were offered conditions by my country’s enemies, these are the sort of terms I would accept. I would demand of them each day one of their foremost warriors to meet me at the ford in single combat; and for the space of time while I am hewing down that man, I would permit them to march onwards with their host, and short would be that space of time, I ween! But when the man was dead, until the sunrise on the morrow’s morn, I would not have them move. Thus I would keep them well in sight, and would pluck off their warriors one by one. Also,’ he said, and laughed, ‘I would require my enemies to keep me well supplied with food and raiment while I fought with them; so would there be much trouble saved, and with their food I would grow strong to fight against themselves. These are the terms that I would ask, O foster-father Fergus, of my foes.’ Those were his words, O Queen, when he was but a child; I trow he will not be contented now with less.”
・大変重要なことですが,troubleは(1)「厄介な事態(いわゆるトラブル)」と,(2)「骨折り,面倒」という意味があり,どちらか間違わないようにしましょう。今回は(2)です。敵から食糧と衣服を支給されれば,自分で食糧を調達したり,衣服を取り替える「面倒」がなくていいや,というわけです。Thank you for your trouble.「ご苦労さまでした」も,「骨を折ってくれてありがとう」という意味です。
・content = contentedは「満足して」という意味です。contentに「満足して」という意味と「満足させる」という意味があるため,content = contentedとなります。
Then Meave said thoughtfully: “It seems not worse that one man should be slain each day than that a hundred men should fall at night, even were that one man a champion of our host. I think it better to accept his terms. Go back to him, O Fergus, and if he is agreed, say we accept and will abide by those conditions. So we may find at length a little peace.”
・以前にも言いましたが仮定法のifを省略すると倒置が起こり,if S were C = were S C となります。even were that one man a champion of our host は even if that one man were a champion of our host「仮にその1人が,我が軍勢の勇者であったとしても」ということです。if S were C = were S C を簡単な例で練習すると,
If I were a bird, 「もし私が鳥だったら」
= Were I a bird,
です。Were I a bird という語順に慣れておけば,were that one man a champion of our host も同一構造なので見抜けたでしょう。
・if he is agreed は if he agrees「もし彼が同意すれば」ではないのかと思い,辞書で調べました。実はbe agreed の形で「同意している」という意味になるようですね。be mistaken「間違っている」,be opposed「反対である」,be contented「満足している」とかが同類でしょうか。
・abide by O「Oに従う,Oを守る」はちょっと難しい単語ですね。