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“Then they became two monsters of the sea, and after that two warriors and two demon-men. But in each of all these forms they met together in terrific contest, so that the world of men and even the dwellings of the gentle gods were stirred and agitated by their wrath. For when men hear the sighing of the wind, or the wild turmoil of the billows on the shore, then, indeed, it is the bulls in fight wherever they may be, or in whatever form. And now that they are come to earth again, no doubt some mighty contest is at hand; for surely they are come to stir up strife and deadly warfare between man and man, and Connaught and Ulster will be concerned in this.”


stired and agitatedは一括して「かき乱される」と訳しました。

now that S Vは「今やSVなのだから」と〈理由〉を含む接続詞です。例によってthatが省略可のため,now S Vは以下の2つの区別が必要です。

 Now S V.「今はSVだ」

 Now S V, S V.「今はSVなのだから,SVだ


“That likes us well,” said Meave, “and for this contest we will well prepare. So, since the fellow of the White-horned dwells in Cooley, take thou with thee a company, Mac Roth, and go and beg this excellent bull from Daire, that henceforth my cattle may compare with Ailill’s kine, or that they may surpass them. Give all conditions he demands and promise what thou wilt, so only Daire give up the bull. And if he give it not up willingly, then will we come and seize the bull by force.”



take thou with thee a companyはやや難しいですが,take thouはyou will take「お前は行って来い」という命令文相当です。よって

 You will take a company with you.

Take a company with you.「仲間を連れて行け」です。companyは現代の戦争用語では「中隊」ですが,「部隊」としておきます。

・このthatは何度か解説していますが,so thatからのsoの省略(文語)です。「……ために」「その結果……」です。口語では逆にthatを省略します。

・このthey may surpass themはちょっと面白いですね。最初のtheyは「ダーラから譲り受けたドン・クアルンゲ」,次のthemは「自らの意志でアリルの許に行ってしまったフィンヴェナハ」ですが,それぞれ複数形になっています。これまで様々な形態での前世があったことの反映でしょうか。

For to herself she said: “The taking of this bull will be a thing not easy to accomplish; if Daire, as is likely, refuse it to me, war will arise between Connaught and Ulster, and this, seeing that the warriors of Ulster are now lying in their pains, we much could wish. For our hosts are gathered and our provisions ready, while on Ulster’s side there are but women and little children and Cuchulain ready and fit to meet us; quickly in that case we shall march into Ulster’s borders and raid the country up to Emain’s palace gates, carrying off the spoils; the Brown Bull also we will bring with us, and henceforth not Ailill, nor the King of Ulster, nor all Ireland besides, will hold up their heads against ourselves or boast themselves our equal.”


say to oneselfは「独り言を言う」ではなく「心の中で思う」です。thinkのパラフレーズ(言い換え)として使われます。

as is likelyのasは〈関係代名詞のas〉で,近いうちにやりたいですね。とりあえず今は,which is likelyと言ってもそう変わらないとうことだけ言及しておきます。

refuseで最も重要なのはrefuse to-V「Vするのを断る」ですが,ここではrefuse A B = refuse B to A「BをAに与えるのを断る」です。deny A B = deny B to A「BをAに与えない」もあります。今回はメーヴ側に頼まれた上で断るということなのでdenyではなくrefuseを使っています。

seeing that...「……であることが分かっている(see that...)から」(分詞構文)ということから,「……であるわけだから(since...)」といった意味です。


 S1 V1 while S2 V2.「S2V2である一方,S1V1である」


 S1 V1, while S2 V2.「S1V1である一方,S2V2である」


 ×S1 V1. While, S2 V2.


 ◯S1 V1. On the other hand, S2 V2.

 としましょう。on the other handは副詞なので2文を繋ぐように使わなくてよいのです。要するにwhileは接続詞なので2文を繋ぐよう使うべきだということです。


So Mac Roth with nine of his company travelled to the house of Daire in Cooley, and welcome was made for them, and fresh rushes strewn upon the floor and viands of the best were set before them, as became the chief of Ireland’s heralds. But before they sat down to meat, Daire inquired of them: “What is the cause of your journey here to-day?” And Mac Roth replied: “A quarrel that has arisen between Ailill and Meave, the King and Queen of Connaught, about the possession of the White-horned, for Meave is sorrowful and vexed because the King hath a better bull than she.

そこでマク・ロスと9人の戦士からなる部隊がクーリーのダーラの家まで行き,彼らはアイルランドの使者としてされるように歓迎され,新鮮なイグサが床に並べられ最上の料理が振る舞われた。しかし彼らが食事につこうと座る前に,ダーラが彼らに質問した。「今日こちらにいらしたのは,何のご用事でしょうか?」 それでマク・ロスは答えた。「コナハトの王と女王,アリルとメーヴの間で,白い角の所有を巡って口論があったのだ。メーヴは王が自分より優れた雄牛を所有していることで悲しみ,苛立っておられるのだ」

travelはいつも「旅行(する)」と訳さなくていいでしょう。例えばtravel of lightは「光の移動」です。




She craves therefore, that a loan of the Dun or Brown Bull of Cooley be made to her, that she may say that she hath the finer kine. And if thou thyself wilt bring the bull to Cruachan, good payment shall be given thee: that is, due payment for the loan of the bull, and fifty heifers into the bargain, besides a stretch of country of the best in Connaught, and Meave’s close friendship along with this.”


craveは「渇望する」です。crave for...,crave to-Vが重要です。今回はcrave that...節ですが,前2者を知っていればthat節でも訳せるでしょう。


into the bargainが「その上,おまけに」の意味であることを初めて知りました。マク・ロスはinto the bargain,besides,along with thisと,「おまけに」をパラフレーズしながら繰り返しているのです。この事の教訓は,



This pleased Daire so well, that he threw himself upon his couch, and he laughed loud and long, so that the seams of the couch burst asunder under him. “By our good faith,” he said, “the offer is a good one, and whatever the men of Ulster may say to my lending away their precious bull, lend it I will with all my heart.”



asunderは「離れ離れに,バラバラに」です。ただ「粉々に(into pieces)」と言うほど細かくは分裂しません。

Then supper was served, and the messengers of Meave ate and drank, and Daire plied them with strong wines, so that they began to talk at random to each other. “A good house is this to which we have come, and a wealthy man is Daire,” said one to his fellow. “Wealthy he is indeed,” said the other. “Would you say that he was the best man in all Ulster, and the richest?” pursued the first who had spoken. “Surely not,” replied the other, “for Conor the King, at least, is better in every way than he.” “Well, lucky it is, I say,” pursued the first, “that without bloodshed or any difficulty raised, he yields the bull to us nine messengers; for had he refused it, I trow that the warriors of all Ireland’s Provinces could not have carried it off from Ulster.” “Say not so,” cried another, “for in truth, little matter to us had it been if Daire had refused it, for had we not got the bull by fair means, we would have carried it off by foul.”




had he refused itという語順は仮定法でよく見られるもので,ifの省略に伴うものです。仮定法のifを省略すると倒置が発生するので,

 if he had refused it → had he refused it です。


Now just at that moment in came the steward, with fresh viands to set before the guests, but when he overheard their conversation, and the slighting way in which his master was spoken of by the heralds of Connaught, he set down the meat without a word and without inviting them to partake, and out he went at once and told his master what the heralds had said. Then Daire was very angry, and he exclaimed, “By the gods, I declare, that never will I lend the bull; and that now, unless by foul means they carry him off from me, he never shall be theirs.”


in came the stewardthe steward came inです。要はthere is S構文と同じで,副詞のinが文頭に回り,主語(the steward)と動詞(came)が倒置しているのです。

 An old man was there. → There was an old man.

 The steward came in. → In came the steward.


partaketake partparticipateつまり「参加する(inを続ける)」の意味があり,またここでは「食べる,飲む」です。

The next morning, the messengers arose, having slept off their carouse, and they went to Daire’s house, and courteously said: “Show us now, noble Sir, the way to the place where the Brown Bull is, that we may proceed with him on our journey back to Cruachan.”


sleep off... には「……の酔いを覚ます」という意味があるそうです!carouseは「どんちゃん騒ぎ」です。

“Not so, indeed,” said Daire, “for were it my habit to deal treacherously with those that come in embassage, not one of you would have seen the light of the sun to-day.” “Why, how now, what is this?” they asked, surprised, for they had forgotten what they had said over their cups the night before. “’Tis plain enough, I think,” said Daire; “your people said last night that if I gave the bull not up of mine own will, yet Meave and Ailill would make me give it up by force. Let Meave and Ailill come and take it if they can. All Ulster will prepare to hold the bull.”


were it my habit toも仮定法であり,if it were my habit toです。


over the cupsは〈従事のover〉が使われています。over (a cup of) coffeeで「コーヒーを飲みながら」です。


“Come, come,” said Mac Roth, “heed not what foolish men said after food and drink; Ailill and Meave had no ill intent in sending us to ask the bull of you. It were not right to hold them responsible for the loose words of their messengers.” “Nevertheless, Mac Roth, and however this may be, at this time you do not get my bull.”



hold O responsibleはよく見る言い方で「Oに責任があると判断する(or裁判所が判決する)」です。

So Mac Roth and the nine messengers returned to Rath Crogan, and Meave inquired for the bull. And when she heard their tale, she said, “I thought as much, Mac Roth: it was not intended that you should have the bull. The bull, which is not to be got by fair means, must be got by foul; and by fair or foul, he shall be got by us.”


Rath Croganは「クルアハンの宮殿がある砦」の意味のようです。

I thought as much「同じだけのことを考えていた」→「そうだろうと思ったよ」は決り文句です。





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