Cuchulain in his sleep heard the affront that the charioteer put upon him, and from head to foot he blushed a rosy red. His face he lifted from the ground and said: “I am not a child at all, but ripe and fit for action, as you will see; this ‘small child’ here has come to seek for battle with a man.” “I rather hold that fit for action thou art not,” replied Foll, surprised to find the little fellow rising from his sleep and speaking with such boldness.
「眠りながらクー・フーリンは,御者が自分を軽んじる言葉を耳にし,頭から足まで薔薇のように赤くなりました。顔を地面から上げてこう言いました。『僕は子どもなんかじゃない,成長してるし戦える男だ。見たでしょ? この「小さな子ども」は大人との戦いを求めて来てるんだよ』『戦える男ではないと思うがね』とフォルは,小さな子どもが眠りから起き上がってそんな大それた事を言うのに驚きながら,答えました」
・blush「顔を赤らめる,紅潮する」は重要単語です。flushとも言います。今回blushはblush Cと補語を取っており,blush red [crimson, scarlet]で「(顔が)真っ赤になる」です。なおflushがなぜ「赤面する」の意になるのかは以下の記事で解説しました。
・holdは「抱く,掴む」ですが,「考え方を抱く」ということで「考える」の意味があります。hold that... は簡単に言えばthink that... です。hold O C「OがCだと考える」の用法もあり,hold him responsibleは「彼に責任があると判断する」です。
“That we shall know presently,” replied the boy; “come down only to the ford, where it is customary in Ireland that combats should take place. But first go home and fetch your arms, for in cowardly guise come you hither, and never will I fight with men unarmed, or messengers, or drivers in their cloaks, but only with full-weaponed men-of-war.”
・It is customary for N to-V「NがVするのが習わしだ」は便利な表現ですが,今回はIt is customary that S should Vになっています。
“That suits me well,” said Foll, and he rushed headlong for his arms. “It will suit you even better when we come to the ford,” said Cuchulain. Then Ivar warned Cuchulain that this Foll was no ordinary foe; “he bears a charmed life,” said he, “and only he who slays him with one stroke has any chance of killing him at all. No sword-edge can bite or wound him, he can only be slain by the first thrust of a spear, or blow of a weapon from a distance.”
“Then I will play a special feat on him,” returned the boy; “surely it is to humble me you warn me thus.” With that he took in his hand his hard-tempered iron ball, and with a strong and exact throw just as Foll was coming forth, full-armoured from the fort, he launched the ball, which pierced the warrior’s forehead, so that he fell headlong on the ground, uttering his last cry of pain, and with that he died.
・it is to humble me you warn me thusは「このように私に警告することは,私を卑しめることだ(私の品位を傷つけるものだ)」という意味と思われますが,上のように訳してみました。
Within the fort his brothers heard that cry, and the second brother rushes out. “No doubt you think this is a great feat you have done, and one to boast of,” he cried. “I think not the slaying of any single man a cause to boast at all,” replied the boy; “but hasten now and fetch your weapons, for in the guise of an unweaponed messenger or chariot-boy come you hither.” “Beware of this man,” said Ivar; “Tuacall, or ‘Cunning’ is his name, for so swift and dexterous is he, that no man has ever been able to pierce him with any weapon at all.”
「砦の中では彼の兄弟達がこの叫び声を聞いて,2番目の弟が飛び出てきました。『確かにお前がやったのはすごい技だろう。自慢して良い技だ』彼は叫びました。『たった1人殺したって何の自慢にもならないよ』少年は答えました。『でも急いで武器を取ってきて,武装してない使者や御者の格好で来てるから』 『この男は気をつけろ』イヴァルは言いました。『トゥアハル,狡猾のトゥアハルが奴の名だ。とてもすばしこくて器用だから,武器で貫くことができた男はいない』」
・前回の「アルスターの猟犬(11)」で3兄弟はFannell, Foill, and Tuchellと書きましたが,TuacallはTuchellのことでしょうね。
・boast of Nは「Nを鼻にかける」です。that節の場合はboast that... で,ofは要りません。that節の場合は前置詞が不要だが,名詞の場合は前置詞が必要なものには,hope for N/hope that...,insist on N/insist that... などがあります。×I hope your recovery. ではなくI hope for your recovery. ですから気をつけて下さい。
“It is not fitting that you speak like this to me,” said Cuchulain. “I will take the great spear of Conor, and with it I will pierce his shield and heart, before ever he comes near me.” And so he did, for hardly was the Cunning One come forth out of the fort, than Cuchulain threw the heavy spear; it entered his heart and went out behind him. As he fell dead, Cuchulain leaped on him, and cut off his head.
「『そんな言い方を僕にするのはどうかと思うよ』クー・フーリンは言いました。『コノールの大槍を持って,近づく前に盾と心臓を貫いてみせるよ』 そしてそうなりました。狡猾が砦を出るや否やクー・フーリンは重い槍を投げました。槍は彼の心臓を貫いて後に抜けました。彼が死んで倒れると,クー・フーリンは彼に飛びかかって首を斬りました」
・ここではhardly+thanになっていますが,現代の英文法ではhardly [scarcely]+whenやhardly [scarcely]+beforeが「……するや否や〜」であり,thanはno sooner+thanの組み合わせになるので気をつけましょう。でもhardly+thanの組み合わせが古い英語では可だったことが分かって面白いですね。
Then the third son of Nechtan came out, and scoffed at the lad. “Those were but simpletons and fools with whom thou hast fought hitherto,” he said; “I challenge thee to come down to the ford, and out upon the middle of the stream, and we will see thy bravery there.” Cuchulain asks him what he means by this, and Ivar breaks in: “Do you not know that this is Fandall, son of Nechtan, and Fainle or Fandall, a ‘Swallow,’ is his name, because he travels over the water with the swiftness of a swallow, nor can the swimmers of the whole world attempt to cope with him. Beware of him and go not to the ford.”
「するとネフタンの3番めの息子が出てきて少年をあざ笑いました。『お前が今まで戦ったのは間抜け共だ』彼は言いました。『俺はお前を浅瀬に,そして川の真ん中に誘う。そこでお前の勇敢さを見よう』 クー・フーリンが彼にその意図を尋ねると,イヴァルが割り込みました。『知ってるか,これはネフタンの子ファナルだ,「燕」という意味の名前だよ。燕みたいにすばしこく水上を移動するんだ。世界中の泳ぎ手は彼に敵わないよ。気をつけて。浅瀬に行っちゃだめだ』」
“Not fitting are such words to be spoken to me,” replied the lad, “for do you not remember the river we have in Emain, called the Callan? When the boy-corps break off their sports and plunge into the stream to swim, do you not know that I can take one of them on either shoulder or even on my palms, and carry them across the water without wetting so much as their ankles? For another man, your words are good; they are not good for me.”
「『そんな言い方僕にするもんじゃないよ』と少年は答えました。『エヴァンにあるカランという川覚えてない? 少年部隊が試合を止めて川に飛び込む時,僕は彼らの1人を肩の上とか手のひらの上に乗せて,彼らのくるぶしを濡らすことすらせず渡らせることができるの知らない? 他の男にアドバイスするならそれでいいけど,僕向けのアドバイスじゃない』」
・so much as Nはeven N「Nすら」の意があります。evenは「イーヴン」つまり「対等」で,「Nと同レベルのこと」→「Nすら」です。例えばcannot so much as Vはcannot even Vと同義で,He cannot so much as write his own name. は「自分自身の名前を書くレベルのことができない」→「自分自身の名前すら書けない」です。今回のwithout wetting so much as their ankles「くるぶしすら濡らさずに」はwithout so much as wetting their ankles「彼らのくるぶしを濡らすことすらせずに」と語順変更することもできます。
・ankle /ǽŋkl/ は「足首,踝」,uncle /ʌ́ŋkl/ は「おじ」です。綴りと発音が違います。病院で「足首が……」と言いたい時,「おじさん」にならぬ様わざとらしく「アエ(ǽ)」の音を出しましょう。
Then came Fainle forth, and he and the lad entered the stream together, and swam out and wrestled in deep water. But suddenly, by a swift turn, the youngster clasped his arms about him, laid him even with the top of the water, and with one stroke of Conor’s sword cut off his head, carrying it shoreward in his hand, while the body floated down the current. Behind him he heard the cry of their mother, the wife of Nechtan, when she saw her three sons slain.
・swim outがよく分かりませんでした。普通は「泳いで出る」ことだと思いますが,直後に水中深くで取っ組み合いをしています。よってoutとは見ているイヴァンの「視界外へ」泳いでいくと解しました。
・このevenについて。evenは「すら・さえ・も」の意味が重要ですが「水平」の意味もあります(「イーヴン」つまり「対等」は「水平」より)。lay him evenで「水平に横たえた」と取ります。直後のwith the top of the waterについては,lay A with Bで「AをBで覆う」という用法があります。「彼を水面近くの水で覆った」とは,「彼を水平に横たえたが,彼は沈められたままだった」ということになります。繰り返しになりますが,なぜ「水平」だと「すら」になるかというと,「彼の顔を見ることすらできない」というのは「彼の顔を見るという(当たり前の)水準のことができない」ということからです。
Then Cuchulain sent her out of the fort, and he and his charioteer went up and harried it, and set it all in flames; for an evil and a pirate fort had that fort been to Ulster, bringing many of their warriors to death, and spoiling all their lands. Then Cuchulain and Ivar turned to retrace their steps, carrying in their hands the heads of Nechtan’s sons. They put their spoils and the three heads into the chariot, sticking the dripping heads upon the chariot-pole that passed out behind, and set out in triumph towards Emain and the palace of the King.
・pass outは「失神する」が最重要です。ここではポールの説明なので,「後に伸びる」と推測で訳しました。
“You promised us a good run to-day,” said Cuchulain to the charioteer, “and we need it now after the contest we have made; away with us across Moy Bray, and round the mountain of Slieve Fuad.” Then Ivar spurred the horses forward with his goad, and so fast did they race onward that they outstripped the wind in speed, and left the flying birds behind them. To while away the time, Cuchulain sent stones speeding before him from his sling; before the stone could reach the ground, the chariot had caught it up and it fell again into the chariot floor.
・while away「(暇)をつぶす」はwhileの動詞用法ですね。idle awayとも言います。